This a wintry white day where I live, and I'm luvin' it..............
The winds have the tree branches bending and snowflakes swirling through the air. So so pretty.Has anyone been following the YT trial of Chad Daybell, the Doomsday Prophet? His wife, Lori Daybell Vallow, was found guilty of murdering her two children and sentenced to life in prison without parole. Now Chad Daybell's trial is on its third day of jury selection. The judge anticipates the trial to last eight to ten weeks, and will be aired. Chad is charged with the murders of the two children plus the murder of his wife, Tammy. Their cult-like religious beliefs (involving zombies) allegedly led to the three murders. There go eight to ten weeks of my life.......
This morning I gave my olive plant a sip of coffee. A little coffee bean juice never hurt anyone....that I know of. A little old lady who lived next to my Mom used to give her blue ribbon African Violets a sip of coffee every day. She said her girls just loved it! Funny how a person remembers little things like that and carries them forward.
It's getting time for me to decide on a topic for our April newsletter. I'm thinking about putting something together about the two tiny Japanese yarn dolls that were gifted to me. They were found this March hanging on a cherry tree branch in Tokyo, Japan. A quick look into Japan's history of dolls has given me a couple ideas.
A total sense of peace shrouds us this beautiful day. I wish there was a way for me to share the feeling with all parts of the world.
Till the morrow, ta-ta.