Sunday, April 28, 2024


My posts of late must sound like a stuck record.  Always talking about our rainy days, but, after all, that's what April is all about.  Showers.  

Besides April showers, we have bridal showers, meteor showers, bathing showers, baby showers and downpours in general.  As we walk through life, we experience each type in its time.  There are sections of life where we may experience showers of joy, other times showers of sorrow.  It's that business of taking the good with the bad, stirring them all together until they form a soup we call the past.  Every moment we move forward brings new showers of goodness and beauty.  My favorite definition of "showers" is blessings, because not a day goes by that we don't receive a blessing.  Oh, some days we don't recognize them, but they do pour down upon us.  Over time, I have learned to look for these bits of goodness, that one beautiful cloud that floats above me, or a simple smile or moment of mishap.  Did you ever notice how we automatically laugh at mishaps?  I know I do.  Sometimes it may be an inappropriate giggle, but I'd rather do that than sneer or snarl.  

When I was a little girl, we didn't have running water.  Baths were taken Saturday night in a galvanized tub in the kitchen, all four of us used the same water.  I was the baby of the family, so I got scrubbed first in the clean water.  Poor daddy.  Today we have two showers, two bathrooms in our late-life home.  Talk about showers of blessings.  I'd rather start out with less and end up with more than start out with everything and end up with nothing.  Sadly, I see the children of today experiencing trips to Europe and living in luxury.  How they'll be able to maintain that lifestyle or even reach it on their own merits is beyond me.  But, we don't have kids so it's not for me to think about.  I prefer dealing with what's mine to deal with and that's always been more than sufficient.  One helping of life at a time.

Buffy kissed me this morning at 7 a.m.  I thanked her for allowing me to catch up on my snooze time.  Her parents are coming home later tonight, so we'll once again have to go through packing up her things and exchanging custody.  The boyfriend says he can see her getting very attached to me.  I know the reason why.  It's what I call my fluffy pillow lap.  My structure is not one where my bones show, and that's how I am.  Bones seem so sharp and uninviting, don't you think?