Monday, April 1, 2024


IT happened at 12:15 a.m. this morning.  

Both of us were engaged in our individual laptop interests.  The boyfriend got up from his couch recliner, and I asked if he was going to bed.  He thought so, and walked the few steps to our sliding glass deck doors.  The parking lot is lit by two lights, and that's when he said he noticed something outside.  I didn't pay much attention until he said that it kinda looked like a little bear.  Holy Moses, I love little bears, and I flew out of my couch recliner to see it.  Nothing.  I could see no movement, nothing.  I asked where he saw it exactly, and that's when he said, "Maybe it was an April Fool's joke!"  

Our marriage has lasted over fifty years now, and every frickin' year he gets me.  He waited for midnight when March passed the torch to April, and at 12:15 he nailed me cuz he knew my brain was over in an Iranian bakery making barbari bread.  Caught me totally off guard.  Yup, I uttered an expletive that I won't repeat and gave him a new name, as well.  

You know what he said to me when we were both back in our recliners????  "I just absolutely love doing that to you!"  So, there you have it.  

......Welcome April.  True to form, the sky is sprinkling down raindrops.  It's the day after entertaining dinner guests, so the fridge is rich with leftovers.  Neither of us needs to worry about what to make for supper.  Turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes, gravy, sauerkraut, bacon wrapped asparagus, cranberries and the old-fashioned sunshine salad with fruit cocktail, mandarin oranges, pineapple tidbits, bananas all mixed with a box of dry instant vanilla pudding. 

Our Easter guests were the perfect pair for a good time.  We invited another Venny gal over, but she had other plans.  However, she did pop over in the afternoon for a beer.  Oh, I forgot, we served both red and white wine, too.

Now that I got whacked with an April Fool's prank, I can think about the next day to celebrate......Mother's Day in May and then Memorial Day.  Unless, of course, we want to celebrate English Muffin Day on April 23rd. 

Looks like there's negative weather forecasts from Texas to Virginia.  The news media scares the bejeezus out of us with their 50% chance of sunshine or 50% mass destruction.  Isn't it ironic that we have fact-finder websites while we're fed daily doses of fake news?  Honestly, when it comes to the news, I personally am quite skeptical and don't know what to believe anymore.  Maybe that's why my turtle-mode is so inviting.

Best go do my three daily word puzzles.  My brain is restless thinking about all the food in the fridge.  Think this will be a high-calorie day, and that's just fine by me.  If we're fortunate enough to have food on our table, then we'd best enjoy it and stop attaching guilt to something as critical as eating.

Ta-ta till the morrow.