How does one entertain sadness and laughter at the same time.
Door bell rang yesterday afternoon. Was one of our dear Venny friends. Something was wrong, we could tell by the look on his face. His partner had just been airlifted from the local hospital up to Rochester with what was first thought to be a heart attack. (Let me insert here that this guy being airlifted and I share a crazy sense of humor, and we text back and forth daily, with ruthless/affectionate texts.) When I heard this news, I couldn't help but break down and cry.
It wasn't long after this that I received a text from Buffy's momma, saying that Buffy pooped out one of my earbuds. This is why I first posed the question how does one shed tears and laugh at the same time.
We puppy people do whatever is necessary to see that our little fur babies are okay. What is funny is picturing Buffy's daddy scrutinizing a piece of poop from a 4-pound puppy. Think I could be half dead and would laugh about that. BUT, that's when I broke the bad news that Buffy actually ate two earbuds. Her momma texted back and said, oh no, guess we'll have to keep looking!
Our friend who was airlifted has been in contact, and he did not have a heart attack. The doctors are doing tests to determine exactly what might be going on. One doctor thinks he might have plaque in the myocardial bridge, which would require a bypass surgery. Our mutual sense of humor forced me to text him in Rochester and tell him not to mention to the doctors his mental frailties. Gotta keep the humor going.
Buffy returns at 4:30 today and will stay until Sunday evening, but don't think we're going to be poop inspectors. I'm not going to ask the boyfriend to do that. There are limits, and I don't want the guy pulling stakes on me at this stage. Oh, the craziness of it all.