A phone text came in last evening that made my heart skip a couple beats. The text asked if we'd puppy sit Buffy tomorrow (Wednesday) and also the weekend (Friday-Sunday). With an open calendar, my one-finger couldn't text YES fast enough. Her momma sent a picture of Buffy after her new haircut, bow and all. There will be some serious fun at our house this weekend for sure.
Speaking of texting with one finger......what we fossils do. I have absolutely no idea how the younger generations can text with their thumbs. My fingers are keyboard race cars, but give me a phone and I'm a pecker. (Forgive me, Father, for I have used a word with dual definitions.)
The boyfriend is updating his grocery list. Seems we always need something, and he wants to be home tomorrow when Buffy is here. Let's say that he's as hooked on that little piece of fuzz as I am. Buffy likes guys. She's my kinda girl!
Just saw a monarch butterfly on the deck! How awesome is that. The Venny lawn has been mowed for the first time. This afternoon I plan to sit out on the deck and read. We ordered a Shirem hummingbird feeder (right) on eBay, and we're waiting for it to arrive.April is the month we should think more about Mother Earth, her wondrous gifts and her indescribable talents and abilities. The tiniest of sweet beings belong to Mother Earth, no less than we humans. After all, it is their world, too.