Gotta share yesterday's "moment."
The moment was when we realized that Buffy was chewing on something. That's always a red flag. Well, the little bugger got hold of my earphones and chewed off the rubber ends and swallowed them. OMG, first thing that went through my head was his momma taking him out to do his business tomorrow and she sees him poop out ear buds. Dale decided that we would tell them what happened. Truth is the best no matter the consequences.
Buffy's parents rang our door bell at about 4:30 p.m. First thing I did was explain things to them. Her momma nonchalantly smiled and said, "Oh, she likes to eat things." Wasn't upset, nothing. I felt like I should find a church and go to confession, but it was that business of allowing my mind to imagine worst case scenario. Momma said, "that's okay.....we know she likes to chew on computer cords." Whew!
Life just continues teaching us lessons. I must step up to bat here and confess it was my fault for setting my laptop on the floor, earphones plugged into it. What happened was one of the Venny gals came over for a visit, I quickly set the laptop on the floor and forgot about it. When Buffy isn't here, that's a safe thing to do.
My Venny friend gave me one of her sweaters. It's absolutely gorgeous and expensive, and I'm not quite sure if it will fit me. I'm a bit plumper than she. Then Buffy's parents came and brought us two bottles of wine, one is my favorite, Chardonnay. The other is a red wine. Blessings rained down from many directions yesterday.
With the Mid-East fighting that's going on in Israel and Iran, I'm reading bits and pieces on the internet to teach myself the history of that region and why they've been fighting continuously for centuries. I ordered "The History of God" - The 4,000 year quest of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. 400 pages of small print, wouldn't you know it. Thank heavens for my .300 cheater glasses that will magnify the print. I know I've studied both testaments, but I need to know the geographical history. The book should contain explanations of the holiest of lands and why it is the bloodiest of lands.
When I got out of bed this morning the boyfriend was already down in the workshop at 6:45 working on rings. He left a note on the counter, along with a pot of coffee ready to pour into my cup. Small kindnesses feel so good, don't they?
Tomorrow Buffy returns and will stay until Sunday night. Life's Divine Plan bestows blessings on us, and they come in all kinds of disguises. Many things must happen in many lives to make situations turn out as they do. When Buffy is here, we remember Cuddy and how he was sent to us. What are the chances that there would be a Buffy to continue Cuddy's job of caring for our hearts?
Am not sure what I'll do today. The sun shines brightly, and the deck is all stripes of shadows from the railings. It's April at its prettiest.