Another rainy overcast day. Mother Nature has laid down a gorgeous green carpet on the Venny lawn. April showers and mists are making way for all the sweet little underground souls that are waiting their turn to take center stage. The natural world is a magical place.
The boyfriend is in the workshop busy making his beautiful spoon rings. One day soon we'll take a trolley and replenish the stores he sells them in. At all times, five of his rings decorate my fingers, and sometimes more. When he shows me his new creations, I'm known to say, oh, this one is mine!
Speaking of jewelry, my jewelry box is a repurposed vintage wooden silverware chest. It's that business of using things that no longer serve their intended purpose. Rings, wrist bracelets and ankle bracelets are my faves. The ankle bracelet I've worn for probably over a year, and never took off, was a silver chain that I found in a box of junk jewelry. It was broken, I fixed it and made an ankle bracelet. Part of it dangles in a loop from the main part. The constant wearing has worn off the silver and now it looks like copper. All my jewelry is handmade by one of us, or is recycled.
Have a stack of tasks to do. That's the nemesis of a procrastinator. If there's a way to put off doing something, you can be sure I'll find it. Lord knows how a Type A youthful personality transforms itself naturally over time into a Type Z. If my mother were alive, she'd be disappointed in my 'give a crap less' attitude that assails me. It's not that I'm lazy, it's just that I prefer doing more interesting things than what I call drudgery or donkey work.
If any of my readers happened to get up early and read yesterday's blog, well, later in the day I deleted it in its entirety. I've done this before, when I go overboard with my spouting. My inner voice tells me when and when not to do this. Yup, yesterday her voice was annoying me, so I pushed the delete button and away it went forever.
Anyone following the Mideast unrest? One of my latest attempts is to learn all I can about the ongoing biblical turmoil in what is supposed to be the religious center of the world. Isn't it sad that the three major religions cannot live in peace with one another?
The boyfriend came back a few minutes ago. He now has 60 new rings prepped, turned and ready to polish.
Ta-ta till the morrow. Thank you for following my life as it unfolds each day.