Little Cuddy has gone home. His parents picked him up Monday late afternoon and then stayed for sips and supper. Dale had put a kettle of chili on the stove to simmer, so it was perfect. Cuddy will be back in a couple of weeks for a 2-week stay and then another stay shortly thereafter.
Today the boyfriend has a lab appointment at 10 and after that we're leaving town for a trolley. One of his spoon ring vendors needs replenishing, and that gives us the perfect purpose for a day trip. The sun is shining, and I have a few things to pick up at probably Aldi's.
Spent all day yesterday glued to the trial of a couple who were found guilty of their 2-week old baby girl's death. My interest isn't only about the actual witnesses and testimony, but a great deal about the way the lawyers present their side of the case. Some are extremely competent, others not so much.
This post will be brief. Hopefully I'll get back on track so my writing will be kept on a daily schedule. Ta-ta.