Wednesday, May 24, 2023

The fuzz bucket wanted out of the bed at 4 a.m., so the two of us camped out in the living area until 6:30, when he wanted to go outside.  Our hotel puts our guests first!

To pass the time, I watched a YT police video of a DWI traffic stop, which resulted in the drunk female accumulating a total of four additional charges of Assault on Police Officers.  She was a kicker, a biter and a spitter.  At one point in the 2-hour video, she insisted she be taken to the hospital because of police mistreatment.  She was so combative in the ambulance, the driver pulled over to the side and refused to haul her an inch further.  The cops were following the ambulance, so they had to load the obese female into one of their vehicles.  You can't make this stuff up, it's that bizarre.  The sad part is that it's the daily routine for law enforcement.  

Have been thinking long and hard about life.....about one's journey coming to an end.  There are five ways for this to happen:  1)  Illness, 2) accident, 3) old age, 4) suicide and 5) homicide.  It's an interesting experiment to think about the things we don't want to say good-bye to forever.  For me, the thought of not seeing the beautiful things of Nature makes me the saddest.  The birds, the animals, the flowers, the trees, the blue sky, those sorts of things.  

Another helpful experiment for us earthlings is to ponder what it would be like to live forever.  Just imagine that.  Would it not be a curse rather than a blessing?  We'd not be able to enjoy the idea of a retirement and being able to take life easier.  There are a lot of situations and circumstances that we all must endure while we enjoy life, and if those things were to last forever and ever and ever.....well, that's not a pleasant thought.  Actually, the scary parts of life are gaining more weight than the good parts.  Personal safety is threatened no matter where we go.  What used to be good is now considered bad, and what used to be bad is now considered good.  We were taught to trust everyone, and today we tell the kids to trust no one.  No matter what we see as a gain, ends up being a gimmick.  Prices are insane, inflation is growing like a balloon, people are turning to narcotics to dull their pain, and politics and politicians continue to plant hatred like a garden and the senseless destruction of forests and waters are leading humanity to a place that is not inviting.  All these things put death in a more acceptable and less frightening perspective.  Oh, I know, it's probably not the best topic to write about, but please show me the person who doesn't ever think about this stuff.  

Maybe it's because I'm the last one standing in my immediate family that these thoughts burden my brain.  The daily Tao devotional readings help me stay afloat.  In my mind I'm quite important, but in the grand scheme of things I'm simply a minnow swimming in the ocean.  As that minnow, I cannot fathom the length, the width and the depth of the water I was born to swim in.  All I can do is flip my tiny fins until one of the five things happens to me.  

I am no longer willing to take risks.  I don't want to tip the happy canoe.  Like today, my joy comes from the sunshine, the flowers out on the beautiful green lawn and even the hazy sky.  There's no need to go anywhere to find contentment or adventure.  The thought of something happening to disrupt our life is terrifying.  

Wow, this ended up being a serious topic today.  I never know what I'll write about until my fingers hit the keys.  My mind just takes off like a runaway horse like in the westerns we watched on t.v. as kids.  
