Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Must give another update about my returning of the Ruggable round 6' rug that I inadvertently ordered.  Long story short, Ruggable has real humans write human emails to assist with exchanges and returns.  The rep that assisted me was superb, and Ruggable's website is spot-on when it comes to accomplishing an exchange for a refund.  Wanted to say Ruggable is a reliable online company.

Another pretty day, and rainbows are all over the bedroom walls as a by-product of the bead curtains that I made last year.  

This is the day that our lower-level garage floors are being power washed, so the parking lot out front of our unit is filled with Vennier cars.  There's a sun-glare from the hood of one of the cars, and it's hitting me right in the eyes.  I've already watered the petunia and picked off a few drying blossoms.  She's thriving on onion tea.  Still no wrens, but my friend a bit north of us tells me she heard them singing.  So, I'm still hanging on to hope, but with each day that hope dwindles.

The boyfriend sharpened knives (ours and for others) yesterday.  Small tasks like that make life easier.  Nothing worse than trying to cut through a tomato with a dull knife.  I have to stick the point of the knife in the tomato in order to make the slice.  He takes care of stuff like that, and I can say I have never sharpened a knife in my life.  Oh, how we take for granted the things that others do for us.  

The bridal wreath bushes below our unit are absolutely gorgeous.  Perhaps every spring I write about them and about my maternal Gramma's bridal wreath.  Hers framed the south side of their house yard on the farm.  In the corner, I remember lilac bushes.  Flowers always bring Gramma to my mind, and those are undeniably some of my bestest memories of my childhood.  I'd give the world to have her come visit me at Venny.  Just imagine all that we'd have to talk about.  I know she'd be very happy for me.

Spiraea Bridal Wreath
Actually, every time I polish and paint my fingernails I think of Gramma.  My soul can see and feel the two of us sitting on her back porch, she in a wooden rocker and me by her side.  She held my little hand in hers and told me to always keep my fingernails clean and pretty.  That was about seventy years ago, and I remember it like it happened the day before yesterday.  We never know the power of our words.

The boyfriend has a routine doctor appointment this morning at 9:30.  Because we have Cuddy, I'm staying back with him.  It's our usual way to at least wait in the car while the other is in the clinic, simply for moral support.  Being Cuddy doesn't like the car, plus it's warm out, I'm staying home with him where it's nice and cool.  The little monkey takes high priority.