Tuesday, May 16, 2023

The boyfriend's haircut waited till this morning.  Yesterday neither of us felt like turning the guest bathroom into a barber shop.  Either that, or we were overtaken by the Procrastination Prince who also lives with us.  

Boyfriend has a lab appointment at 10:30 and after that he will pick up his brand new hearing aids.  The new ones are cool, in that their batteries recharge instead of needing replacement.  When he gets a phone call, he can push a button on them and talk away.  Hearing aids are expensive, but totally worth the money.  One pair to the tune of $4,000+.  Mine are the older style and still serve me well.  

Our audiologist let him use a pair for a few weeks to see if he'd be satisfied.  It was an immediate and obvious assistance for him.  Growing old together, we share the same woes and totally understand the other's struggles.  It's called the buddy system.  We take so much for granted when we're young, never thinking our body will one day begin to wear out and require fixes and maintenance like an old car.  There will come a day when they'll take us to the junk yard, crush us into pieces and that'll be that.  Just like our wheels never graced this earth.  

Boy, that surely was an uplifting paragraph!  Better focus on pizazzy stuff that still gives us hope for future fun times with our friends.  There are those longtime friends who have the best of times when we get together.  All of us are filled with the same fears and apprehensions, worries and wonders, and that's what makes us friends.  We can relate to each other.  Growing old is uncharted ground for every person born into this world.  My personal goal is to work hard on my journey and attempt to make growing old less of a heartache for those a generation behind me.  I also don't want to be a burden for anyone.  Not having children of our own, we want to paddle our own canoe and hopefully croak before the canoe tips.  

There is one thing that makes the idea of dying not so scary.  All we have to do is turn on the national news about the political world, the massive immigration problem, and all the other political vomitus that spews its divisiveness into our homes and our minds.  That alone makes leaving this world something to look forward to.  Anyway, that's my spin.  

Pretty sunny day, rainbows on the walls.  While the boyfriend goes for his appointments, I'm staying back and donating my time to cleaning our main bedroom.  Wash the sheets and bed spread, just a general spiff up.  Think I've been saying I'm gonna do this for about a month now.  

Little birdies hop along the deck railing.  Watched a sparrow spat out there yesterday.  Can't help but wonder why, maybe it was one sparrow daring to be in another sparrow's space.  I hear that's a thing now in the people world, so why not with birds, too.