Monday, May 15, 2023

Have been sitting here admiring the photos sent to me by one of my great-nieces.  She is a beautiful gal, graduating high school, along with her newly announced boyfriend.  Haven't met him, but his photos tell me he's not only very handsome, but has a nice smile.  Smiles mean a lot to me, cuz I've always loved my hubby's smile.  Sometimes when I want to take a picture of him, he tends not to give me his best smile.  So, I keep at him, say something funny, till I capture the real smile that first melted my heart.  We're looking forward to meeting the young man at her graduation party.  

Sun's shining today.  The hanging plant is able to be at ease, after yesterday's rain and wind.  Will go out and remove all the dead heads to keep her looking her finest.  

When we rearranged our living area, we put the Christmas cactus in the bedroom.  It now sits on the cedar chest.  I've got two babies growing, as well.  It's fun starting new plants from the mother plant, even though I have no one to give them to.  If I keep starting, we'll be overtaken by cacti.  

We had a very nice mother's day.  The boyfriend ordered and picked up a Casey's Supreme Pizza for us as a special treat.  It would've been fun having Cuddy here as my little boy, but he'll be returning this Wednesday and staying for a couple of weeks.  The weather should be nice so the two of us can spend time out on the deck in the sun.  I think his daddy told us that Cuddy had a vet appointment, so hopefully he'll be all checked over when he comes to stay with us.  His one ear has a problem, but we care for it best we can.  His groomer gave us some special cleaner she uses, and it seems to help him.  

Am looking to replace our bedroom bedspread.  The one we have now is really nice, except I want one that will go way to the floor and eliminate a bottom ruffle.  I've found some that are King 120x120 and 120x128.  Will have the boyfriend help me measure the floor-to-floor width and then will decide on color.  The choices are limited when looking for these over-sized spreads.  With all the crazy designs I make, our decor is definitely eclectic.  Kinda like a gypsy lives here!!!!!!!!

I remember years ago when we girls hosted home decoration parties.  Never cared for them.  If I'd buy a picture or something, that same piece could be found in other homes.  Our tendency is to display our original creations.  Guess we're not rubber-stamp people!

The boyfriend has asked me for a hair cut this afternoon.  I told him I'd try to work him in my busy schedule.