A bit nippy out this morning. Sun's shining, the leaves on the birch tree appear to be dancing the twist. Coffee cup is full. Can't ask for more.
Boyfriend and his Venny buddy just left for one of their guy trolleys. They both enjoy driving the pickup around, checking out the crop land and whatever else they happen upon. They usually find an out-of-the-way tavern to eat a sandwich. Those places offer the perfect atmosphere for down-home chin music.
Venny's new wi-fi system is in full swing. Each of our units now has their individual modem and password. Was amazed at how fast the installation in our unit took place. Tis such a small world....the guy who did the installing lives in the town we used to live in. He remembered us, which I thought was nice. At one point, we had three young guys here pleasantly working to get us hooked up and running.
I'd planned to fix supper for the boyfriend while he's gone, but at the last minute I pleaded with him to stop at Kwik Star for their fried chicken. It's not that I'm lazy, it's more that I'm good at creating alternative ways of consuming food.
Have been hungry for a macaroni salad, the kind with hard-boiled eggs, celery, green onions, peas, maybe olives, Miracle Whip and cut-up Spam. It was my intention yesterday to whip one up today, but that motivation is nowhere to be found. My Type A can now be officially categorized as Type Z. Funny part is that the latter is a much more enjoyable form of life. Now, it drives me crazy watching and/or listening to people who are spinning their wheels and struggling to find a few extra minutes to do something that isn't on the calendar.
Well, the wrong-sized rug arrived yesterday. Tried contacting the company's support email address and received a response. Their reply stated that the 30-day limit for returns had expired so there's nothing they can do. HUH? The frickin' thing was delivered yesterday and is unopened. The brand is Ruggable. There's a $25 fee for returning an item, which totally ticks me off. If I don't get another response, I told the boyfriend I'll hang it on the wall if necessary. This chick is just plain too principled to give them $25 and I end up with nada. Can remember the day when a person could contact a company and speak to an actual human with a heart beat. Those days are gone. All we have now are addresses, some of which accept replies, others that don't. Boo-hiss.
So, if you come visit us and see a round rug screwed to the ceiling, please ask no questions. Just sit and admire the frickin' thing.