Saturday, May 13, 2023

 Ooooh, such a beautiful brisk breeze brings this morning's cool air into our home.  Yesterday's blessed rainfall has greened up the lawn, the trees and shrubs, and the baskets of hanging flowered plants outside on patios and porches.  

Venny is having a pot-luck supper at 5 this evening.  Now that the hospital has lifted its Covid restrictions, we, too, are resuming life as it was before the pandemic.  We've been extra cautious, have had our vaccinations, and now it's time to get back with our friends for these potlucks.  The boyfriend offered to make a casserole dish of scalloped corn as our contribution to the meal.  We're like little kids......I made a call yesterday asking another couple to save us seats if they get there before us.  Somehow that sounds like something a teenager would do, but what the heck.  

Yesterday I got my head involved with YT recyclers in New Jersey's rich coastal towns.  A young couple drives around these wealthy neighborhoods, where the people put like-new furniture on the curbside for free-taking.  These multi-million-dollar homes are seasonal homes, and their owners like to change their furnishings annually.  On one of these "finds," the young couple picked up a signed painting worth $400.  Guess when people have too much money, nothing really means anything to them.  

Later in the day, I watched dumpster divers, who go around looking into the green dumpsters back of stores and around warehouses.  It about made me upchuck when I watched them take like-new packaged snacks and cookies and canned items out of contaminated dumpsters and then donate them to food pantries.  They say they "clean" it before donating, but.....  

The sky is overcast.  The cool temperature must be keeping everyone indoors, cuz there's no one walking by.  The minute the warm days arrive, there's a steady stream of walkers of dogs and joggers out soaking up the sun.  Watching the young people power walk and run makes every joint in my body ache.  Guess it's that business of the circle of life.  Some are just starting their trek, others are nearing the finish line.  Every breath is a gift, from beginning to end.  Once in a while there's benefit in taking a really deep breath, holding it, and slowly exhaling.  That's a way to truly appreciate fresh air and life itself.