Wednesday, May 17, 2023

About five minutes ago the boyfriend called my attention to the fact that I ordered the wrong size rug for our bathroom.  The order was for a rug that matches the previously ordered one from Ruggable.  Chalk another f-up for me!  Checked to see if it's been shipped, only to find that it's on its way.  Drat.  Double drat.  I wrote an online note to the company asking if we can ship it right back unopened.  Will wait for a reply.  Man, I get so p'd off with myself when I do something so dumb.  The one good thing is I can blame it on my age.  We baby boomers are presumed to be lacking mental capacity, so we may as well feed into that notion.  

Am happy to report that the main bedroom is cleaned and organized to a T.  A few things are heading back down to storage.  Also ordered a new bedspread in an ash-gray.  Hoping I didn't screw that up, as well, but I think my plan will work.  Am either going to make a bed runner or else I'll drape the beautiful shawl that one of my Venny friends gave to me when I had my shoulder replaced.  She bought the shawl when she was in Israel.  There are some gifts that need to be showcased, and that is one.  The bedspread I ordered is 120x120, which should go from floor to floor without a ruffle.  Fingers crossed that will be the case.

Our adorable little fuzz bucket will be returning in about 45 minutes.  His daddy called to say that Cuddy has an ear infection that we'll need to treat.  Daddy will leave a check with us in case we feel Cuddy needs a haircut while he's away on a 2-week fishing trip to Canada.  To be sure, we'll care for Bubba just as though he were our very own.  Sharing custody is a beautiful thing, for those of us without a puppy in our lives anymore.  

The Venny lawn is a gorgeous green.  Recent rains have popped the trees with leaves, filling in winter's wooded gaps.  

Tomorrow Venny is replacing its entire wi-fi system.  Each unit will now have its  own setup and private password.  A fine improvement.  

Still no wrens.  Please leave a comment if you've had sightings or have heard their sweet songs near you.