Hummingbirds and Orioles are back visiting our grape jelly feeder and hummingbird feeder. Still no sign of a wren. Yesterday I sat and watched a sparrow holding a long twig in its beak and couldn't help but wonder what that little creature was thinking. I myself was wondering how on earth it would manage to lug that twig up to wherever it was making its nest.
I thank Robin once again for sharing their spring flowers. I like the way the wooden fence frames the flower garden.
Tis a rainy day where we live. The boyfriend left for a Venny council meeting. They're electing officers at this meeting plus tending to a few other agenda items. I paid a couple of bills online, which took about five minutes tops. Man, I remember the day I wrote checks, balanced a checkbook, bought stamps and envelopes, needed to get them to the post office. My balancing of checkbooks in those days was a monumental task. I remember spending two hours to find a dime difference. I might've been categorized as OCD in that regard. After retirement and starting online banking, I tossed those tendencies to the wind and now do it the easy way. There are places now that don't take personal checks nor cash. It's a new world, and it's important we stay in the know as much as possible.
Has anyone seen a wren this spring?