Friday, May 12, 2023


Hummingbirds and Orioles are back visiting our grape jelly feeder and hummingbird feeder.  Still no sign of a wren.  Yesterday I sat and watched a sparrow holding a long twig in its beak and couldn't help but wonder what that little creature was thinking.  I myself was wondering how on earth it would manage to lug that twig up to wherever it was making its nest. 

I thank Robin once again for sharing their spring flowers.  I like the way the wooden fence frames the flower garden.   


In my research about tulips, I came across something that through me for a spin.  We baby boomers aren't always up to speed on the latest in the social media venue, so I was taken aback by the meaning of the tulip emoji.....
It represents female private parts.   Makes me wonder if I've ever sent that emoji to anyone in any of my messages.  Holy migod if I did!

Tis a rainy day where we live.  The boyfriend left for a Venny council meeting.  They're electing officers at this meeting plus tending to a few other agenda items.  I paid a couple of bills online, which took about five minutes tops.  Man, I remember the day I wrote checks, balanced a checkbook, bought stamps and envelopes, needed to get them to the post office.  My balancing of checkbooks in those days was a monumental task.  I remember spending two hours to find a dime difference.  I might've been categorized as OCD in that regard.  After retirement and starting online banking, I tossed those tendencies to the wind and now do it the easy way.  There are places now that don't take personal checks nor cash.  It's a new world, and it's important we stay in the know as much as possible.  

Has anyone seen a wren this spring?


  1. No wren sighting here. Drat!
    Beautiful spring bulbs and blooms Robin shared.
    I remember those days spent with a calculator, checkbook, etc., too. I still have to balance to the penny but online payments and statements make life so much easier.
    Lovely spring day here. Sunny. Due to hit 80 degrees.
    (You know I wish these keyboards had a symbol for degrees.)

  2. Honored you shared them ! I know how much you enjoy flowers! 🍑 the peach emogi means your butt!! 😆 🤣

  3. Tall Cottage......I agree about the degree symbol. Please let me know when you see or hear wrens in your neighborhood!

  4. Robin.....OMG maybe you should educate me more on emojis that symbolize stuff that I'm not aware of. (giggling)

  5. 🍆 I'll let you figure this one out!! 🤣

  6. Now that's funny, not in the sense of HAHAHa anyway our wren isn't back either. We had wrens for many years. Noisy little bugger. We have the beautiful orioles, goldfinches and rose breasted grosbeak. Saw one hummingbird. No indigo bunting yet. Those tulips are beautiful.

  7. Do you get indigos? They're absolutely the most beautiful little souls. We'd have maybe one or two visit our patio at our other home, but not our new one. Dale's brother and his wife have indigos at their farm. Enjoy them for me, pleeeeez!
