Tuesday, May 30, 2023

 So many things to write about today.

1.  Received a phone call telling me that my college loans are forgiven.  That's an amazing bit of news for someone who's never taken out a college loan.

2.  Received an email that I won a brand new Rachel Ray Cucina Cookware Set.

3.  Received a text that I have won a surprise gift of  Keurig Coffee Maker.

Either I'm one very lucky person, or there are a lot of places trying to snag me into taking their bait.  Scammers abound.  Life today is like walking in a room filled with conibear traps.

Woke up to a beautiful rainbow on the bedroom wall.  Love those beaded curtains!  Next, the boyfriend spotted a fawn out on the Venny lawn.  OMG, how sweet.  The little deer walked a short way and then laid down on the grass and curled up beside a tree. 

Fawn walking on lawn

Fawn snuggled beside the tree

That was the main event of our day.  Later this afternoon a momma deer walked out front of our unit.  We suspect that both of them are in the wooded area close by.  

To quote Queen Latifah, "I don't have to take a trip around the world or be on a yacht in the Mediterranean to have happiness.  I can find it in little things, like looking out into my backyard and seeing deer in the fields."