Saturday, April 29, 2023

Supper time on this Saturday.  We went to bed at 1 a.m., and the fuzzy one asked to go outside at 6 this morning.  Took a nap to make up for the hours we would have slept.  

A beef roast has been in the crock pot, along with potatoes, carrots and onions.  For the fun of it, I googled the inventor of the crock pot.  The original slow cooker was the Naxon Beanery All Purpose Cooker, invented by Irving Naxon, manufactured in Chicago in 1970.  He was inspired by stories of his great-grandmother cooking cholent, a traditional Jewish stew that was slowly cooked on Fridays in preparation for the Shabbat.  Cholent is simmered overnight for 10-12 hours or more, and eaten for lunch on Shabbat.  Shabbat stews were developed over the centuries to conform with Jewish laws that prohibit cooking on the Sabbath. 

At Chicago's 1971 National Housewares Show, Rival unveiled its newly rebranded version of the Naxon Beanery,  and was named the Crock Pot.  Interestingly, a crock pot can cook all day and uses the same amount of energy as a standard light bulb.

If only we realized how many conveniences we have that our grandmothers wouldn't have dreamed could exist.  My memory of our first crock pot is fresh in my mind as yesterday.  I was at work in the 1970s, when one of the lawyers mentioned his wife making their dinner in a crock pot.  Huh?  I asked him what in the world was that.  When he explained that we could put meat and vegetables in this thing before going to work in the morning and supper would be ready when we came back home, I about flipped.  We had a crock pot in our home within a couple of days, and we've been using one ever since.  

Imagine how many times we use our microwaves.  That, as well, is a luxury item that our grandmothers couldn't have imagined.  My Mom was what we called an old-fashioned cook and refused to own a microwave.  Her reasoning was respected, and none of us could argue that she was one of the best cooks.  

Gramma cooked on a wood stove.  Here I am with an electric stove, a microwave and three crock pots.  When people talk about the good old days, they forget that those olden days were hard.  Why is it that everything looks differently in the rear view mirror?   

Thursday, April 27, 2023

When my friend loaned me the book "A Walk To Remember" authored by Nicholas Sparks, I first imagined a beautiful walk perhaps in the forest, in a park, or maybe a garden.  The thought never occurred to me that it would be a walk down the aisle.

Every book leaves its reader with something.....perhaps a new life perspective, a grit of annoyance, the insight into an unknown culture, or a thousand other possible bits of new knowledge or fresh understanding.  

A Walk To Remember is a multi-faceted story of individual differences, pre-conceived human judgment, goodness, moral aspirations, faith, and a host of interesting human interactions.  The book is a relatively short read that ends leaving the reader wondering how the story ended.  Like I say, books are the messengers that sometimes bring us the insight to better understand our fellow human acquaintances.  We are creatures quick to judge, quick to form unfounded opinions, and we act in accordance with those lopsided views.  

The study of human interaction is an amazing path to walk.  Our moral compass is guided by watching how others act or don't act, listening closely to what people say or what they don't say, making decisions with the feelings of the heart rather than the logic of the mind, and comparing the shapes of the shadows left by the self-less person vs. the self-absorbed person. 

I remember having to write book reports back in school.  I'd love to do that now after a lifetime of turning pages.  Starting a Venny book club has been suggested, and I'd do cartwheels if we could get one going.  Discussions add yet more possible ideas, and I'm one who welcomes input....knowing that we each see the world from different perspectives and through different eyes.  There's a yearning inside me to learn all I possibly can while I'm here.  Last night I spent the entire evening watching Japanese master chefs in high-end Tokyo restaurants.  By observing the differences among us, we open our minds so we are more accepting and better able to graciously respond to differing opinions.  

Yesterday the boyfriend was out running errands.  He brought home a new area rug for our living room.  Today we're going to do some rearranging and hopefully our recent efforts will converge in a cozy setting.  

One of my close Venny girlfriends is undergoing some medical testing today.  Am keeping her close to my heart in thought and prayer.  When our friends suffer, we suffer, too.  Anyway, that's what true friends do.  We must remember that one life touches the other, and that's how we are able to manage our way through the tough times that will unexpectedly come to all of us. 

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Today's officially been declared a do-nothing day.  Am wearing Cuddl Dud comfies in honor of the occasion.  

A bit of explanation regarding our new furniture.  Our original intention was to get three manual recliners.  When the delivery guys appeared, it was the first we learned they had misinformed us, and there were only two available in their warehouse.  To order the third recliner could take anywhere from 8 to 12 weeks.  We were to have been advised of that, but weren't.  So, we were left with two, which we quickly learned was not going to work.  We effectively expressed our dissatisfaction and came to an agreement that allowed us to choose other furniture.  That's when and why we opted for a couch and love seat, both of which have electric controls, which we now realize are essential to our comfort and convenience.  Face it, we're spoiled.

I got a thumbs up on my lab work, and at my doctor appointment had two skin spots treated with liquid nitrogen.  During the visit, I had a heart-to-heart talk with my doctor about some of the spears that struck me the last months.  There are doctors who care for our physical bodies, but the real deal doctors are the ones who can also help us with our emotional reactions to life events without prescribing medication.  When hearts truly connect, a powerful comfort channels from one to the other.  It's a feeling that transcends words, and because of our talk, my heart is better able to bear its burdens.  

Our next door neighbor left Saturday for Scotland, so last night I took an arm-chair tour of Scotland's castles, highlands, its some 790 islands and seascapes.  I'm a subscriber of Nicolas Fairford's FB vlog which is filmed mostly in his home in Edinburgh, Scotland.  In the early 1980s, we visited New Scotland, which is better known as Nova Scotia.  It's an intriguing culture that brings us kilts, bagpipes and Scottish plaids.

A light blue sky makes a perfect backdrop for the white puffy clouds.  Guess the Northern Lights have been blessing our nighttime skies with masterpiece sights for the second time in the last couple of weeks.  It's good that people share their photos of them on social media.        

Monday, April 24, 2023

Last few days have been just a tad hectic.....all relating to new living area furniture.  There was sufficient stress to cause four cold sores to pop out on my upper lip.  This has been a lifelong stress-induced malady.  Have had some in the past that were really bad, but these are maybe a 3 out of a 5 being the worst.  Worst part is drinking hot coffee....yowza, that hurts.

As to the furniture situation, well, we're now owners of a new couch and a love seat.  Now we need to get an area rug.  And, yes, we changed our minds with regard to remote controlled furniture.  The lever manual ones make enough noise to disrupt those living on the floor below us.  We're spoiled and will continue to spoil ourselves.  What else is there at this portion of the race.

Went for my lab work this morning and will see my doctor at 2:30 for what they call the annual Medicare exam.  Doesn't really amount to much, except it does give us a chance to chat.  There's one problem that I'm going to need addressed, and hopefully he can remove the spot from my back that's driving me nuts.  Wish skin spots were as popular as tattoos.  

Life is back to normal as of 9 o'clock this morning.  Yup, Cuddy is back.  He and the boyfriend are catching a snooze right now.  Both of them are riding along on my trip to the clinic.  

It's a perfect day, on the cool side.  Our screen door is open.  

Nothing newsy today.  On doctor appointment days I get myself in a tangle and can't rest at ease until after it's over.  Don't know why I have to be such a fragile creature when it comes to the doctor.  I couldn't have a nicer guy in the world to take care of my little old body.  It's just the brain playing games with me.

Have started reading the book The Baron In the Trees.  Think it's going to be a really good read.  

Thursday, April 20, 2023

Rain and thunder.  Solid reasons to once again cancel my lab and doctor appointments scheduled for today.  Fortunately, was able to reschedule both for this coming Monday.  

Tomorrow our three new recliners will be delivered in the afternoon between 1:30 and 3.  Our couch and busted recliner will be taken out in the morning.  This will be one heckuva change, being without a couch, but it's a joint decision that we think is for the best.  Don't know if I mentioned that we're adding swivel attachments to all three.  Cuddy won't have his couch to lay on, but he will get his own recliner, so that should be okay. 

One thing leads to another.  Now that we're changing the color of our recliners, we'll need to change the living area rug.  Then I look at the crocheted valance hanging on our patio doors, well, I think that should go, as well.  To be honest, the recliners we're getting looked one color in the store, but am sure they'll look different here.  Fluorescent lights play tricks on color.  They're called stone or granite.   

Made some swift decisions yesterday to purge things that probably shouldn't have been purged, but the mood struck me like a brick.  When that happens, I'm relentless in getting rid of stuff.  If I confessed to the things I threw away, well, it would shock a lot of people.  I figure, tho, if there's no one who cares to inherit them, why save the stuff.  One way of rationalizing is that I'm sparing others from having to throw away what I can myself.  

Frankly, I don't know what people do when they don't get rid of stuff.  It's like we allow stuff to have control over us.  Yesterday I went so far as to toss all the magnets on the fridge.  Yup, they all went right in the circular file.  

I took all my good plates and platters and vases out of our burgundy chest.  A good share of them were put in a box that will go to the local thrift store.  Now I know what's where and will use only what's left.  If only I could live my life over again.  I'd live like a nomad or gypsy, taking only the dire necessities.  No wonder people have garage sales, what else can they do but hope to recoup a few pennies on the dollar.  Those days are in the rear view mirror for this chick.  It's either the landfill or thrift store from here on out.  The landfill is so easy.  We carry our bagged stuff to the recycle room dumpster and that's the last we have to deal with it.  

Now that I don't have to get ready to go to the clinic, I can stay home and vegetate.  Will maybe make another quick sweep, grab a few things and bid them a final farewell.  Don't get me wrong, however.  There are a few things that are very dear to me, and nothing in this world will take them from me.  But, that list was once a lot longer than it is today.  

Monday, April 17, 2023

Five inches of the white stuff fell, but already it's thawing.  Took a picture when it was dark outside and then one this morning.

What's so cool about the pictures is the snow clinging to the wire fence we have up against the railing for Cuddy's safety.  We feel more secure knowing there's no way he can fall off the deck. 

Our home is back to normal.  Cuddy is back until Friday.

Sunday, April 16, 2023

A wintry, snowy day.  Am taking a long look at the snow on the deck railing in the hopes that I can bring it back to mind this summer when it's nearly 100 degrees F.  I know I'm in the minority of humans, but winter really is my favorite time of year at this stage of life.  There's something primal about succumbing to the elements.  This is a perfect day for the cave man to stay in the cave, build a fire and watch it snow.  

Not a whole lot has transpired since my last post.  Golf has been the boyfriend's entertainment this afternoon, while I was traveling around Asia.  Don't know exactly why I have this curiosity about the Eastern cultures.  Some days I spend hours touring the rural and urban areas of that part of the world.  The countries I'm next going to travel to are the seven countries ending in "stan," which means "land of."  The cultures of the world are interesting and intriguing.  If each of us has only one go around, doesn't it only make sense that we learn about who all shares the earth with us?  There's so much to-do about race and ethnicity.  The way I see it, the more difference....the more intrigue.  

Tonight's supper is everyone on their own.  That means, go to the fridge, find whatever's edible, and throw something together.  Neither of us has a problem with this, because left-overs are the foundations for creativity.  

Snow is lightly falling now.  Already one can see the end of the day approaching.  Dusk is what they call it.  I've said before how this time of day used to make my mother feel lonely, yet she couldn't explain why.  She and I differ, in that this time of day starts closing the curtain on another well-lived day right before the darkness of a beautiful evening arrives.  Our minds absorb reality differently.  My mother, bless her heart, was a pessimist.  Her pessimism is what lit the embers of my optimism.  

Don't know if I mentioned the t-shirt that I ordered on eBay for this summer's wear.  It represents Van Gogh's painting of Starry Nights, which is one of my faves.  Was hoping the shirt would be darker than the picture, and it is.  Most likely, few will recognize its relation to a classic painting, but that's okay.  It's for me and for me alone. 

On a more somber note, isn't it dreadful how these mass shootings and teen take-overs are hitting our country?  Migod, how angry can people be to want to kill innocent strangers?  Prayer seems so futile, but it's the only cards in our hands we have to play.  Let's all pray that goodness prevails.  

Saturday, April 15, 2023

Just got a call from Cuddy's daddy asking if we'd like to watch the little fuzz ball for three days this week.  They have an out-of-town funeral.  One can imagine my response.  YES!  He'll be here at 8:30 Monday morning until Wednesday afternoon.  

This week holds appointments for my blood work and dr. appt on Thursday afternoon.  I canceled my last appointment, so must be a good girl and go.

Weathermen predicted a 50% chance of rain today.....we're getting 0.  Wonder if tomorrow's 80% chance will materialize.  Being it's Saturday, a good old fashioned thunderstorm would be welcome.  Guess I'm awaiting the May flowers that need April showers.  

There's absolutely nothing newsy in our world right now, which is as we like it.  I did place an eBay order for a book entitled The Baron in the Trees by Calvino.  Watched an interview with Calvino's daughter and Richard Gere, and that's where I was introduced to this novel.  It's the story of a young Italian nobleman who rebels by climbing into the trees and staying there for the rest of his life.  In the interview, Gere read a few excerpts from the book. 

Now I have two things to look forward to! 


Friday, April 14, 2023

While on an arm-chair travel tour to Tibet yesterday, I pushed the button for my electric recliner to lower the foot rest.  Nothing happened.  Thought I pushed the wrong button, but hadn't.  Tried the head rest button, and that worked.  Hmmm.  Mr. Fixit came over to assist with my dilemma, and soon the conclusion was unanimous that my retirement recliner was toast. 

What to do with a deceased couch and recliner?  Called the recycling center.  The guy explained that if the furniture wasn't good enough to be taken to the thrift store, then they wouldn't accept it either.  Somehow I thought they took stuff apart and salvaged the parts, but whatever.  

Our three recliners will be delivered a week from today.  The two maintenance guys here will assist in getting our couch and recliner to a friend's pickup so we can deliver 'em to the landfill.  Such a rigmarole.  I don't like the idea of having to pay to throw something away.  When we lived out on the farm, we threw stuff "in the ditch" that was on our property.   

Sat out on the deck for a while this morning.  The sun felt incredibly good.  My Adirondack chair welcomed me, and we bonded well.  The weekend might bring us rain, with a 50% chance predicted for tomorrow and an 80% chance on Sunday.  

My Venny girlfriend is coming over to visit this afternoon.  She said she'll call before coming over.  Am anxious to hear about their trip and catch up on our gabs and giggles.

Accomplished a few things this morning.  Got the lawn mower out and shaved my legs so I can wear capris pants again.  When we were teenagers, we called 'em pedal pushers.  Loved them then and still do.  Shorts are no longer in my wardrobe.  

Finished the article for the April newsletter.  Another thing off my checklist.

Thursday, April 13, 2023


This chick went to bed at 3:30 a.m. and was up at 8:30 a.m.  Yesterday's turtle mode has improved to where I'm putting my head out from under my shell to see the pretty sunshine.  Sposed to get kinda hot today.  Me and the heat are like oil and water.  

The boyfriend is working on garden plots, and he has a council meeting at 3 this afternoon.  My schedule demands I pay a couple bills, wash a couple of t-shirts that I ordered on eBay and serve Mabel a good sip of onion tea.  She sang her Easter song with four beautiful blossoms.  

Today is a special day for a special someone in New York, and I'm sending my love out to Tall Cottage, along with a teddy bear hug.

A prankster elf left a plastic box with pony beads at my door yesterday.  Will wash them up and put them in with the stash.  He's a sneaky Pete, with a very big heart. 

One of these days we'll dolly up our deck.  We have a small table out there that had a glass top, but it somehow got broken and shattered to pieces.  The wooden replacement warped, and now we're toying with the idea of tossing the metal base which is perfectly okay.  I'm thinking of the boyfriend making a new wooden top and then we cover it with a floral oil cloth.  I remember my Gramma having an oil cloth on her kitchen table.  It was easy to wipe off and looked nice.  Wonder if Walmart has oil cloth.  Will check online to see.

The other day it was sad watching sparrows trying to get inside the wren house.  The holes in wren houses are made smaller simply for that reason.  Sparrows are little birdies that only we humans have diminished.  I couldn't help but feel bad for the sweet little souls.  They're going to need places to build a nest for their babies, too.  People think I'm nuts when I say I like sparrows and dandelions, but I maintain my support for both.  If someone denied me entry to Venny, imagine how I'd feel.  

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, got drenched with two feet of rain.  The damage from flooding, tornadoes, hurricanes is dreadful for those who live in those places.  A person wonders just how much pounding our society can take.  

The boyfriend mentioned grilling burgers for supper tonight.  That sounds so good.  Nothing like a good old burger with ketchup and onion.  The two of us are polar opposites when it comes to mustard.  He likes the yellow stuff that looks like calf poo, and I like the dark ground mustard that has a kick.  It's a friendly lifetime battle that we manage to control by keeping both on hand.  I don't mind the yellow stuff if there's nothing else, but I don't want to let my guard down like I'm surrendering.  I was taught to always hold my ground!

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Regretfully, am in turtle mode today.  When this mood befalls me, I crawl inside myself and stay there until it passes.  If only there was a delete button that could erase the past!

Yesterday we took a day trolley, signed our income tax papers, paid the accountant, ate sloppy joes and greasy onion rings at the drive-in, and drove around savoring the beautiful 70+ degree day.  Tomorrow the predicted temperature is in the high 80's.  

The boyfriend is busy with the Venny garden plots.  He and the other gardeners are putting their efforts together to finalize the individual plots for spring planting.  I'm not involved, so instead I took a rickshaw ride on the streets of Tokyo.  Talk about a cool experience.  Later in the day, I took a 5-day Russian train ride to the coldest town on the planet, Yakutsk, Siberia.  The couple who made the video shared time they spent with Yakutsk locals, and ate meals with them in their homes.  

Today accomplished nothing.  Got it in my head that I needed to do more arm-chair traveling, so I visited an ancient town in China.  My plan now is to be more productive on the morrow, but, with me, anything's possible.

A kettle of ham and bean soup beckons me.  As a carry-over from my childhood, I add a bit of vinegar and pepper to the soup.  That's what daddy did, and now it's what I do.  Just a teensy way I keep him on the trail beside me.

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Have been away from preserving my thoughts for a few days.  No matter what a person does, it's good to take mini breaks.  Anyway, that's a trick I learned long ago.

Easter is behind us.  Because we had been exposed to Covid, we declined our family gathering.  We see no sense to take chances when it's not necessary.  The G-clan gets together often, so it's no great shake-up when we're absent.  The two of us fixed a ham supper, with crockpot potatoes, scalloped corn, and salad.  A quiet, very peaceful Easter Sunday.

In a short while we'll be off to sign our income tax papers and get that annual task checked off our list.  The first question this morning was, where are we going to eat lunch?  There's a drive-in still operating in that town, and they have the best sloppy joes.  That was my first vote, which the boyfriend ratified.  Maybe will have an order of their greasy onion rings.  What the hay.......never know how long the place will keep going, and never know how long I'll keep going.  

Our patio door is open, and fresh air is coming in through the screen.  Already have seen bees buzzing around.  The seasons have definitely exchanged places.  

Have a lot of things on my list, and no motivation.  Oh, I have motivation to do fun stuff, but none whatsoever for the have-to stuff.  

A couple of days ago my blow dryer caught on fire while I was drying my hair.  At first I heard a noise and then smoke came out of it.  I quickly tossed it on the floor and unplugged it from the wall.  

A few minutes ago I placed a pick-up order from Walmart, which includes a new blow dryer, a new shade of Essie nail polish, lipstick, and lavender-jasmine soap.  Some girls go to salons for massages, pedicures, manicures, and all sorts of pamperings, but this is my idea of pampering myself.

Let's all enjoy the pleasant weather! 

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Another overcast day.  Thankfully, we were spared from the powerful storms that have been sweeping the country.  All we can do is pray for those who are left without their homes and possessions.  In some tragic cases, those left without their family members.  

Today at 5 o'clock we're going to Cuddy's house for supper.  Can't wait to see the fuzzy one again.

After going through scads of over-70 hairstyles, I opted for a pixie cut......really short pixie.  A pile of hair on the floor was living proof that I'd been requested.  My stylist is one who loves to try different styles, and she puts a bright spot in her client's day for sure.  Am spoiled to have the salon just down the hall from our unit.  

Must start thinking about a topic for this month's newsletter.  Boy, the months roll around quickly.  Seems I'm always at the point where I need to think of a fresh article for the newsletter.  As of this moment, I have no idea whatsoever.  

Nothing newsy to share.  This is Easter week.  Seems once Easter's over, then we're in full swing with spring, the planting of crops, mowing lawns and planting gardens.  I keep eyeing my Adirondack chair on the deck, patiently waiting till I can go out there, sit and watch the birds and those who bike and walk for exercise.  Am also eyeing the wren house, praying some little wren will choose it to raise this year's family.  

Brought out my Zen coloring book and colors.  Spent about an hour coloring before my hair appointment.  It's a nice project that's ongoing and a wonderful way to keep the mind focused on something worthwhile.  The mind can be a hobo and wander all over the place, digging up memories of the past, and making up stories about the future.  If one can rein in one's mind, that's the key to contentment.

My cuppa needs attention.  Ta-ta. 

Monday, April 3, 2023

Might have mentioned acquiring a rosemaled clock, painted in the colors orange, golden yellow and a blue green.  The piece is signed, was hand-painted in 1977, and I first noticed it on a give-away table.  First thought was....yikes, cannot stand the orange, but the clock is a piece of art that I cannot allow to go who knows where.  You know me and giving new life to old things! 

The clock came back home with me, and the boyfriend's initial response was as expected......what are you gonna do with THAT?  

This afternoon the boyfriend was down in the workshop, so I got my acrylics out and found a color to paint over the orange.  I didn't have a clue what the end result would be by painting a dark wine color on top of orange.  Now that the first coat has been applied, gotta say I'm liking it a whole lot more.  Will wait to show a photo of the end result when it's finished and adorning a bedroom wall.  

P.S.  Boyfriend is back.  I suspect it'll take more than a different color to change his mind about the clock.  Oh, well.  To me, it's got a story and its heart still beats, one second at a time.

Sunday, April 2, 2023

Here it is Sunday once again.  We're looking forward to a quiet day.  It's dreary with an eerie stillness.  Two of our Venny friends will be returning home around noon from a 2-week trip to New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma and places in between.  They called from Des Moines last night to say they'll pick up their unit key, which we have for safekeeping.  I'm relieved to have them back safe and sound.  That's a lot of miles on the interstates and in cities like Dallas and Houston.  I'm one of those people who rests knowing everyone is tucked in their own homes.  I must sound old-fashioned in my late stage of life.  There's one certain special someone who texts me when she's safely home from work at night or when there's bad weather.  When I know she's okay, then all's okay in my itty bitty thimble-sized world.

This afternoon the boyfriend will be glued to the telly watching the Girls Iowa Basketball game.  I'm not sure what to hunker down with, possibly read one of two books that were loaned to me by my friend.  It's a real challenge to read a book when the telly's volume is turned up, but if I try really hard I can get my concentrator to concentrate.  Could go in the bedroom to read, but I like for the two of us to be together.  (I'm sounding like a homing pigeon.)

Just received an invitation to Cuddy's house for dinner Wednesday at 5 p.m.  Aaah, that sets the stage for a sweet day.....  

Saturday, April 1, 2023

 When will I ever learn!!!!!!!!

Yup, the scamp got me April fooled first thing this morning.  I came out of the bedroom to see a face shaken with disbelief.  He sez to me, "Do you realize we left the oven on 400 all night long?"  

First of all, my brain first had to recall what we had for supper, and it was then I realized we had spaghetti made on the stove top.  DRAT.  Every flippin' year, you'd think I'd prepare myself, but this year I'd not given the first of April a thought.  Guess it's a good thing we still have our individual talents and abilities sharp as ever.

Boy, weren't those some horrific storms yesterday?  Arkansas, in the Little Rock area, really got hammered.  Entire neighborhoods destroyed.  My heart goes out to everyone who today suffers from loss, heartache, fear, and all emotions that must be rampant after these tornadoes.  Seems it's one natural disaster following another.  My suspicious mind can't help but wonder if the gods are angry with us and our behaviors.....which appear to be worsening and broadening every day.  

Today's Tao reading opens the mind to identifying if our problems are puzzle, obstacle or entanglement.  A puzzle needs to be analyzed carefully.  It's like unraveling a ball of yarn and requires patience.  An obstacle must be overcome.  We must use force and perseverance to either destroy or move away from what is blocking us.  An entanglement pulls us into a maze of limitations.  This is the most dangerous of situations and requires that we use all our resources to remove ourselves as quickly as possible.

Today's reading goes on to say that no matter which of the three types of situations we may find ourselves in, it is important that we do not take the thing on the whole.  Rather, break it down into smaller, more easily handled components.  If we slowly reduce our problems, then the knots of life can be untied, little by little.

Today's world can so easily suck us in to where we become entangled in  fearmongoring.....the business of making us fearful when there's really no need for us to be fearful.  There are many ordinary humans who are making money on social media by planting fear into our minds.  To the point where one must have a strong mind and strong will to save oneself from thinking that we're on the precipice of panic.  I can't point fingers, cuz at one point I was sucked in, but I pulled myself out of the maze that entangled my thinking.  Think of all the food that was stockpiled thinking we weren't going to have enough to survive.  

Food has expiration dates.  When I was fearful of not having enough coffee, I ordered boxes of instant Folger's coffee.  Well, guess what.  After a while, that coffee loses it's punch to where it's like drinking fairy pee.  So, to get rid of it, we're putting 10 packets of instant coffee in our Mr. Coffee just to use it up.  Heaven forbid that we'd throw food away. 

So it is that I'm trying to maintain a peace of mind.....not allowing myself to watch the news (other than weather alerts) and not get sucked into the "sewage of the day."  Bottom line, if I can't change something, then why should I spend my precious time thinking/worrying.  What comes will come.  Our minds easily become battlefields where battles will never be fought.  While we worry about stuff, we do not live the moment.  We forego our whole life thinking about craziness that may not ever happen, dwelling on what other people are doing or how they're acting.  It's all silliness.  

Tis a beautiful day, sun is shining.  The boyfriend will be watching his favorite sports on the telly, and I'm gonna do something, but still am not sure what.  It's now April and I even put out a little wren house in the hopes that a wren will choose to live in my house rather than the lady's wren house below us.  I'd be so happy if we could have a family of wrens living with us.  Will keep the fingers crossed.