Thursday, March 30, 2023

Yesterday's visit from my two nieces helped my heart heal from years of separation from one of them.  Sometimes it takes decades for life to play itself out, and, trust me, those decades can feel like centuries.  The answer to it all is perseverance.  And, yes, good wins over that which presents itself to us as evil.  

When the girls were here, I passed on to them my beloved little childhood throne.  My intention is to give it to who I want to have it, rather than someone else who I wouldn't want to have.  Does that make sense?   Before giving it to them, I asked that they take a picture of me with my rocker.  I want to share that photo here.

I must've been three years old when my Momma painted the chair white and applied nursery rhyme decals.  The rocker was old when she painted it, so its age has to be over 100 years old.  The left arm is loose, but I'll leave the repairing to the new owners.  Giving away what little is left of one's childhood rips at the heart.  My saving grace is having two nieces, who are like my daughters, to pass it on to.  If nothing else, they know how much I love them and how much they mean to me.  Maybe that's the part of giving that's sometimes overlooked.  We don't give our stuff away to those who don't live in our hearts.  

Today we have a plan.  We're going to go to another city for Chinese lunch and then on to our favorite furniture store to look for recliners to replace our couch and my beloved retirement recliner.  It's part of the seven-year spring spiff-up.  

There's a winter storm in tomorrow's forecast, so we figure today is best to be on the road for a day trip.  Yesterday I finished cleaning and re-organizing my roll-top desk.  Tossed outdated paperwork and things that no longer matter.  Now I know in which drawer or which compartment individual items can be found.  Taoism needs balance in life, so that's what I'm trying to do.  If things are in order, life feels better than when things are out of order.  Nothing drives me crazier than when we can't find something.  When two people live together all their lives, once in a while it does happen where one puts something where the other wouldn't dream of putting it.  Covid's stay-at-home restrictions helped me become lax in keeping things up.  Now, it's time to get back on track.

Clouds have covered over the sun, actually looks quite gloomy right now.  My Christmas Cactus got a trim yesterday and a good dose of onion skin tea.  Five new buds can be seen from where I'm sitting.  Guess it has decided to bloom for Easter, in addition to Christmas.  I have three baby cacti growing by simply putting three separate sections in the ground.  That's how easy it is to start new plants.  

If I'm going out for Chinese lunch, I'd best get myself put together.  We go out so seldom anymore, that this is going to be lotsa fun.  We love our trolleys, cuz never know what we'll find along the way.    


  1. Cute old rocker. In a way, I'm surprised you parted with it but I understand.

    If you remember I have my Dad's which is over 100 years old, a Boston, that became mine, and his that my Great Grandfather made for him. They are going to the girls, then on to their girls. Trouble is I have 3 granddaughters and 2 children's rockers but I also have a small/young adult rocker so guess I'm ok. They will get them when I pass. All three have sat in them. Wish I had pics of the girls, any of the five in them, though.

    That business of one putting something where the other doesn't know happens a lot in this household. I tell him where I put things but he forgets. He forgets to tell me where he puts something.

    Our oldest grand was 17 yesterday. Her Bumpa made her pizza she wanted and I made her an old-fasioned chocolate mayonnaise cake. Kelly and her Dad were here. Lots of laughter and she got a small separate cake to be able to blow out the candles. That hasn't occurred since before Covid. She was happy.

    Sunny day here. Temps are in the low 30's. Got a couple inches of snow last evening. More headed our way. Winter isn't over yet.

  2. Chocolate-mayonnaise cake. Is that cake really dark and moist?

    As to the rocker, well, it was difficult letting it go. However, it's very important that my special things go to only special ones. That's why the transition happened now. I'm very content with my decision. Very.
