Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Spent most of last evening watching Asian chefs working in small restaurant kitchens, as well as the masters of sushi cuisine in the elite restaurants.  That's my latest kick and am amazed how the chefs work tirelessly making stir-fried rice, shaking the wok while skillfully stirring the rice and eggs.  Also watched a street vendor stir frying and cooking soup on the side of the street.  An entirely different culture than ours, with thousands of years of intriguing history.  

Two of our nieces are stopping by later this afternoon,  They're from out of town, but will venture over this way for a dental appointment.  

Am still plugging away with the spring spiff-up.  My roll-top desk is getting a do-over.  Took everything out and put it out on the bed.  The business of organizing is my main goal.  Hopefully will be able to toss an item or two in the process.  We're offering our living room couch and matching recliner to our two nieces, so we can buy new recliners and eliminate having a couch.  The one we have is a 3-section, and the middle section rarely gets used.  The two end sections are recliners.  We're just in the mood for a new look.

The season of spring is healthy, in that it fires up our desires to renew.  All things winter suddenly feel out of place.  The outdoors beg us to be in the fresh air and watch as all things in nature wake up from their long naps.  Easter is the holiday that celebrates this renewal, this fresh approach to our daily living.  Families will gather for dinners.  I often ponder life without holidays that literally force families to reunite a couple times each year.  It would be a hoot to watch the airport bustle from above, thousands of people with luggage fighting their way to board a plane so they can go back home to be with their biological people, eat a couple of meals together, sip some toddies, get into political and religious arguments, which have great potential of erupting into a full-blown fighting match.  Ahhh, yes, it's all such a state of social anxiety, and one can't help but wonder just how long this homing tradition will last.  

Oh, there are some families who maintain social courtesies and manage to pull off a get-together in fine shape.  Hats off to them.  Perhaps they all pop extra doses of anti-anxiety pills so they can brace themselves for threatening words or actions aimed in their direction.  One might liken this self-medicating to an invisible suit of armor, where the arrows merely bounce off and cannot penetrate the physical person.  

Age is changing me by leaps and bounds.  More and more, I'm detaching myself from the tethers that have kept me reined in.  Twenty years ago I didn't experience the peace of mind and heart that I feel now.  It's kinda like a person invests all one's energy into helping others, and now it's wiser to simply not give a rat's rear.    My energy is exhausted.  I feel like an old cracked and chipped cup that's put back in the cupboard and not used anymore.  

It's becoming obvious to me why there is such a thing as a life span.  Just yesterday my friend told me about the cats that are going to school here, and those cats demand litter boxes.  Wanna know what's the saddest part of this from my humble point of view????  These cats are being given litter boxes to appease their rights and wants.  Awwww.....isn't that special!  If I would have told my parents that I wanted to be a cat and demanded a litter box, do you wanna know what my dad would've said to me?  He'd have assured me that he had no problem with my wanting to be a cat.....I was more than welcome to go live out in the barn and when I got hungry I could lick the foamy milk from the discarded separator pads.  He would have told me to go do my bathroom business in the gutter where the other animals do their business.  

All I can say is, OMG, take a deep breath, and thank My Creator for incorporating a span of life which guarantees our eventual departure from this unbelievably insane sphere that's floating around in the middle of nowhere.  

This, my friends, is why I cherish Bloody Marys!