Saturday, March 25, 2023

Worked our butts off yesterday downsizing to a yet smaller storage unit.  This included a trolley to the local thrift store to unload a car full of things that are still good and useful, rather than throwing them away.  

Well, surprise surprise surprise.  The thrift store is getting very fussy about the things they will accept for resale.  They turned away half of our load and told us to take it to the Recycling Center for disposal.  Un-frickin-believable.  Some of the things that went into the dumpster bin broke my heart, but, hey, it's either we do the tossing or someone else will at a later time.  And, personally, I want to be the one doing that....not someone else who cares little for my possessions.  It's a matter of principle, I reckon.

Came back and were already exhausted, so we swept out our old storage unit so it's neat and tidy for its next occupant.  Then we put our stuff in our new storage unit so we could go upstairs and call it a day.  First thing I did was pop open a can of lime margarita, sink into my beloved recliner, and praise the heavens that the move was made.  Next week we'll take another day to go back down, rearrange and organize our stuff, and the project will be totally completed.  Small steps make a journey tolerable.  

Well, at 5 o'clock Cuddy's daddy is arriving to make the exchange of Cuddy's custody.  After three months plus of having him as our own, this ain't gonna be no easy deal.  But, I'm gonna put my big girl pants on and deal with it.  I've gotta remember that we don't own the little gentleman, we're only his keepers while his parents are gone.  

Today I have stuff to put away from the stuff we're keeping from the tote purge of a few days ago.  A few more baby steps today, and that's gonna be it.  Hopefully tomorrow Sunday we can adhere to the original idea of the Sabbath and do nothing.  

Today's Tao message reminds us that all things man-made do not last.  No matter how good something is, we may as well plan ahead for when it be taken from us.  

We took Cuddy along with us for a ride yesterday, and he loved putting his little nose out in the fresh air as we drove around town.  Don't think he ever gets to do that otherwise, so we showed him a bit of fun in our final hours of ownership.  I'm hoping his parents are planning their next trip so we can reclaim him.

Gonna make a tater tot casserole and ramen noodle cabbage slaw.  The fixin's are in the fridge, so that's an easy-peasy meal to throw together.  I've gotta say that my old body hurts in a million places after yesterday's workout.  Just gotta keep reminding myself that it's perfectly okay to be an inch worm after a lifetime of acting like a cheetah.  

Looks halfway sunny, if that makes any sense.  Wouldn't surprise me if we'd get some rain, but don't have a clue what's in the forecast.  We'll take what comes and be good with it.  Ta-ta till the morrow.