Saturday, March 4, 2023


Late afternoon yesterday I cut the final yarn on the 32nd comfort cross half, calling it quits for this donation.  Sixteen crosses will hopefully be completed and each put in a zip lock baggie ready for delivery.  This means that today and tomorrow my hands will be stitching and stitching, stuffing and stuffing and stitching some more.   The brand of yarn I use for the crosses is  Crafter's Secret, and the color is Pearl Fleck.  Years back I used all colors of yarn for them, but the last couple of years the crosses are all the same color.  I buy it online now, but I first found Crafter's Secret at Hobby Lobby.  We now seldom go out of town shopping anymore, so online shopping is such a convenience for me.  Sewing by hand gives me a pleasant anticipation on a dismal-looking days.  

Has been quite a while since I've crocheted.  The kicker is having something to crochet.  That's why my comfort cross project is ideal, because it provides a worthwhile outlet.

The boyfriend left to replenish necessities.  Seems there's always an ongoing list on the refrigerator of things we need.  We each add to the list as we use up the last of an item.  

Have started reading the introduction to Spinoza's Ethics.  Baruch (Benedict) Spinoza was a lens grinder in the 17th century who lived a simple life.  He died at age 44 from a lung disease probably caused by the inhaling of glass dust from the lenses that he ground.  

While surfing You Tube for something interesting to watch, I got into past episodes of 90-Day Fiance.  Twin sisters, Darcey and Stacey, are featured on this one episode, one who is going to marry a guy from Albania.  He's about as interested in marrying her as I'd be to spend time with a cheetah.  I think to myself, how dense is she to not see what she's getting herself into.  Guess that's what makes the show intriguing (don't think that's the right word to use).  I'll confess to being sucked into it, cuz that's what I shall be watching while my hands are stitching today.  

Before the boyfriend left, he said he was buying ground beef and would make either meat loaf or meat balls for supper tonight.  Yippee skippee.  

Ta-ta till the morrow.