Dismal day, clouds dark and dreary. Parking lot is wet, and water droplets cling to the deck railing. It's our kinda day. We're gearing up to go to the lower floor and sequester ourselves in the storage area, cleaning our stuff out and moving to another storage area. We're throwing, donating and keeping. It's that simple. And, boy am I in a mood to fling!
Yesterday Cuddy went to the spa and now looks a whole lot different. He's adorable with fluffiness, yet uncomfortably warm along with the outside temperature. After his spa visit, we took him for a ride to our old stomping grounds. We stopped to visit our dear friends just a few houses down from where we lived all the years. It's so wonderful to feel so close to friends that a person can walk in their door and tell 'em you need one of their bartender drinks. Along with the yummy drinks, we shared a few hours of reminiscing and some pretty hefty sharing of this, that, and the other thing. Life blesses us through friendships. The friends that walk alongside us the whole journey, well, those are the keepers. Yup, I needed yesterday's visit as much as I need air to breathe.
My efforts revising the Venny guide book was a total success. It's soon to be presented to the administration for approval. Makes me feel good to have done something beneficial for my beloved late-life home.
Yesterday when we drove by our home of 50+ years, we felt no different than if we were driving down any small-town street. Now, the house looks small, different somehow. Who'd have guessed that could happen. We know only a few people in that town anymore, because, like everything else, it changes. New, younger people move in and take over where we left off. New beginnings, new people, the long line of humanity keeps marching forward. One by one, we fall off the cliff, while others keep marking time behind us until it's their turn to fall off the cliff.
Gotta tell about the crazy experience we had here yesterday before leaving for Cuddy's spa appointment. The boyfriend asked if I wanted to wear my hearing aids. My response was hesitant, but I said yes. Here's where the fun starts.
Last time I wore them, I laid them on the stand beside my recliner. That is no-no #1. We always put our hearing aids in separate containers in one of the kitchen drawers so we always know where they are. Well, I violated that rule because of my laziness and left 'em on the stand along with pens, my cup, papers, cell phone, one of my rings and a bottle of water. The boyfriend opened the container in the drawer, and my aids were not where they were supposed to be. He asked where they were. I said, oh, right here by me on the stand. When I reached over for them, I could see only one. This is where things get pretty serious. Each hearing aid cost $2,000.
We tipped the chairs upside down to look underneath 'em. Nothing. We reached down beside the cushions of the chairs. Nothing. Last week I'd been working on updating all our paperwork and had thrown away a kitchen garbage bag full of unwanted paper that comes in the mail plus old stuff filed away from during the year. I told the boyfriend, the hearing aid probably got thrown away.
The boyfriend hadn't taken that bag of stuff to the garbage room, so he brought it out, took it out on the deck and started going through it, piece by piece. After he got about half way through, he stood up holding something in his hand. Yup, my hearing aid would've been thrown away due to my unforgivable negligence.
Now, I'm big enough to admit that if the boyfriend had done what I did, I'd have chewed his butt till hell wouldn't have had it. What did he do? He politely said we're lucky to have found it, went to the kitchen and put new batteries in my hearing aids. Talk about learning a lesson. This morning my hearing aids have a special place in my heart.....and in the drawer.Always learning. There ain't a day that goes by that I don't learn something new. Yesterday I also learned how sweet people are. The last time we took Cuddy to be groomed, the gal gave us a jar of Amish homemade pickles. I had called to tell her how delicious they were. Guess what? Yesterday she had another jar of the same kind of Amish pickles waiting for us. Those are the random acts of kindness that keep goodness flowing through the veins of humanity.
While the boyfriend and Cuddy were with the groomer, I stayed in the car and started coloring in my new Zen color book with colored pencils. The pictures are pretty intense and require concentration. Also requires a sense of creativity. What color should I use for this? for that? There's a lesson for me even on a color book page. At first glance, it looks daunting, almost impossible. But, if a person starts with one part of the page and keeps coloring one piece at a time, the big picture starts coming together without as much effort as first anticipated. It's that business of taking life a step at a time. Eventually our picture will be finished and we'll have accomplished what was set before us.
Can't wait until tomorrow morning when I can write about our new storage unit. I keep writing about it like it's some big deal, but, to us, it is. Soon we'll have condensed our lifetime possessions down to a cardboard box. A person spends a whole lifetime accumulating stuff, and then it's a tremendous relief to finally get rid of all the stuff. Does it make any sense? Not to me. Letting go is the hard part. When a person thinks about it......we face "letting go" every day in one way or another. Seems there's always something we have to let go of in order for life to maintain its golden mean.
Sure looks like it's gonna rain more. The clouds appear to be lowering themselves nearer and nearer to the ground. Better go and get myself put together for the task that awaits. Ta-ta.