Saturday, March 11, 2023

Another fizzled weather warning.  Predictions far outweighed actual snowfall.  Oh, well.

Have been away from the keys for a couple of days.  As I've volunteered to help update and type a new version of the Venny Guide Book, my time's been devoted to that.  One thing about living at Venny, we bring our individual abilities along and can share with the community.  

The boyfriend spotted the first robin of the season a couple of days ago on the lawn.  Spotting the first robin has always been a quest for us.  Sort of a stamp of authenticity for the season of new beginnings.  Robins are the messengers that bring us the news of green grass, trees leafing out again, wildflowers wrigging their way out of the ground, and the return of our beloved winged friends.  

Watching birds and listening to their chatter and singing brings a good feeling.  This weekend we turn our clocks ahead, as we spring forward.  That is a man-made bi-annual adjustment to daily life for humans.  The other kingdoms don't abide by our attempts to dominate nature.

I can see a light snowfall beneath the Venny yard lights.  Time for another day to close.