Tuesday, March 21, 2023

 Today is Cuddy's spa day.  Yuppers, we're taking the little man to the groomer for a complete spring spiff up.  Pedicure, the works!

Our 3+ month guardianship is drawing to a close.  Last word, his owners are returning to the state later this week after an extended winter get-away to a gentler climate.  

Sun's shining this morning.  There was mention of rain maybe later in the day.  Can't wait for the sound of thunder....not severe storms, only those that bring the moisture for the vegetation.  

Today's Tao reading is about flexibility for not only the body, but for the mind, too.  The more we stretch ourselves in opposite directions, the less we hurt physically and mentally.  Life gifted me with natural flexibility.  At one time, I was known to put my foot behind my head.  Wouldn't want to try that now.  Wouldn't it be a hoot if I stuck in that position and had to have the paramedics straighten me out?  I'm not kidding, I think about falling in compromising places, like the shower, where a person would lay twisted on a pile naked as a baby.  Lord, deliver me.

Can imagine the situations that our EMT's find themselves called to assist.  Sure hope they have to take an oath not to pass on the stories of utter embarrassment suffered by the patient.  It's one of those things a person can't prepare for.  If something happens to me, I can hope they wrap me in a bed sheet, roll me and load me in the getaway vehicle and drop me off at the undertaker.  Migod, what a dumb thing to be writing about.........

Our Mr. Coffee is on his deathbed.  We have a spare one that's waiting to assume his duties when he expires.  It's in a constant gurgle right now.  

Will be nice to go for a drive to Cuddy's spa appointment.  I've not been out of the house for awhile.  

Tomorrow we have set aside the day to move our stuff from one storage unit to another.  Dread the thought.  Our backup puppy sitters are on a trip to New Mexico and Texas, so we'll put Cuddy in our little red wagon and have him with us during the purge.  He's such a good little guy, think he'll do just fine laying on a soft fluffy pillow.  

Another day awaits.  Lots of stuff wrangling around inside my head, some of which I must work at putting the kibosh to for my own sake.  

Have registered for Minutes in Motion, a 6-week individual challenge to devote 30 minutes each day to doing something that requires putting one's body in motion.  It can be anything from gardening, walking, to more strenuous activities like golfing and playing soccer.  My personal slot will be keyed to simply getting out of my recliner and moving my body from one place to another. (giggle) Shooting a game of pool would count.   I have trouble walking up and down stairs, so think I might incorporate walking up and down some stairs in the stairwell close to our unit.  I want to get myself back to where I can go for a walk (with my Nordic poles just cuz I like using them), and breathing fresh air and soaking up much needed sunshine.  I'd lay on the deck like I used to do, but don't think I could get myself back up without screwing up one joint or another.  With all my titanium joints (hip, knee, shoulder), things don't work like they used to.  That's fine with me, cuz at least I suffer no pain.  

Well, shouldn't maybe say that.  My left knee still screams when I use it, but I'll work on strengthening the muscles.  Do not want to endure another knee replacement.  That just might be the surgery that takes me down for the count.

Well, this is a bleak sounding post.  Actually, it's wrapped and tied with humor.  I'm able to laugh at my decrepit self.  A person has to learn to laugh at oneself, because as we age, the mirrors become our worst enemies.  Think the Amish have the right idea by not using mirrors.  Who knows.  And, in the grand scheme of things, who cares.  There ain't one person on earth that cares how others look.  Every person is concerned with how they themselves look.  It's such a make-believe world, but it takes a person to reach old age to realize just how screwed up humanity truly is.  

Ta-ta for today.  

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