Monday, October 17, 2022

(lower right)
On Saturday, our household grew in size when we were gifted with the 'Wandering Jew' plant shown in this photo.  As suspected, today's society finds the plant's common name to be controversial.  Its scientific name is Tradescantia Zebrina, so it stands to reason her name will be Zebrina.  She joins Mabel, the ancestral Christmas Cactus.

Another overcast day, cold wind, current temperature 32 degrees.  It's nice and snuggly being inside.  The boyfriend has an appointment at 11 o'clock, and he's going solo.  I'll stay home with Cuddy, my fuzzy buddy.

Yesterday was a nice quiet Sunday.  My brain got embroiled in YT videos about International Airports catching dope smugglers.  If corrupt people would channel their intelligence for the good of mankind, things might be a whole lot different.  

Don't feel like doing anything today.  The Cuddl Duds ordered on eBay arrived, and they're gonna be perfect for winter lounging.  They were offered as New Without Tags, and my bid of $2.50 won with $10 postage.  Can't help but remember the days when I'd have to drive about sixty miles to a shopping mall, spend the day, spend $$ for gas and lunch, just to buy something like Cuddl Duds.  Now all that's necessary is bidding online, paying online, and waiting for it to be outside my door.  Personally, I do not enjoy shopping anywhere anymore.  Going out to eat isn't fun like it used to be. 

One of these days we'll get a call that Cuddy will have to go back home.  After a month and a half here, it's like pulling my heart out of my chest.  We've nicknamed him Bebby Bubba, cuz it suits him to a T.  We're a family of nicknames, always coming up with new ones for each other.  

Last night's roast beef will today become a kettle of beef stew.  About suppertime, a bowl of hot stew will not only taste good, but feel good in the tummy.  

Stay warm and safe.