We've been telling Cuddy that he's a dear soul and deserves a treat at the Spa. Called his groomer last evening, and wouldn't ya know it.....she had a cancellation for this morning at 10. How perfect! As I've said times before, he does not like riding in a car and starts shaking on his walk to the car. There's gotta be something bad happen to him when he was little, before his owners got him. Makes me sad to see that. I try everything to calm him, nothing works. That's why we don't take him for drives. At his age, the last thing we want is for him to suffer a heart attack. That's also why the boyfriend isn't giving him a scrub. He's used to his groomer, so we say, "You're going to the spa!" His parents are travelers, and when he's with us, we treat him like he's ours.
All my sun-catchers are brilliant in the early morning sun. Today the sprinklers are being checked. Boyfriend counted 6 in our 2-bedroom unit.
Goodness, it's the start of a new week. No explicit plans, although each day unfolds with something new. Kinda like walking a trail in the woods, one doesn't know what's gonna jump out from the trees.
A couple of our friends stopped over late yesterday. Other than that, our weekend was quite uneventful. Last evening I got my brain tangled up in a 3-hour video taken from a law enforcer's on-body camera. These are so fun to watch. Another one was about a lady who damaged personal property by spray painting the cars parked in the driveway, the garage door and windows. One of the cars was a BMW. The suspect was totally smashed. She was what is known as a "funny drunk." All she kept saying to the cops, even when in jail, was how much fun she was having, how this was the best thing that ever happened to her. I sat here in my recliner, laughing till the boyfriend looked at me like maybe it's time for me to think about assisted living arrangements. Just couldn't help it, I couldn't have paid big bucks at a Vegas casino for better comedy.
Did anyone look up at the stunning moon last night? I swear, it looked like one big eye in the sky. Over time, a full moon is a reminder of a Force greater than all else. Only Nature offers me believable spiritual assurances. Everything else is simply too man-made.
Sounds like there's gonna be a change in the weather. 36 degrees now, with 70 degrees by afternoon. Think it's gonna cool down some later in the week.
Coffee tastes yummy. After Cuddy's spa appointment, maybe we'll stop for a drive-thru sandwich. A McDonald's super crispy chicken sounds like it may win my prize. Will see.
Till the morrow......ta-ta.