Our precious house guest went to the Puppy Spa yesterday for a spiff-up and bath. We're having special guests over this coming Saturday, and he's gonna be ready to party!
Cuddy is very afraid of riding in a car. Yesterday I rolled my passenger window down and let his little nose feel the air as we drove. That completely took his mind off of his being in a car, and his shaking and panting stopped. I didn't allow his head outside the window, but he rested his nose on the base of the window. We're going to take him for another spin this afternoon, cuz he had so much fun. Stopped to buy him some Milk Bone doggie treats, cuz his stash is about depleted. We've had the little guy now for over a month, and he's a good eater and makes sure we know when he deserves a treat!
Am gonna have myself brunch today. By combining breakfast with lunch, it cuts out calories in the daily total. Every effort is a small step. Will put together my go-to salad of iceberg lettuce, fresh mushrooms, green onions, cheddar cheese, blueberries, Kraft raspberry dressing topped with crispy french fried onions. The boyfriend and I are on our own until tonight's supper. He has taken two Iowa chops out of the freezer to thaw.Isn't the price of eggs atrocious? In some stores they are $4 a dozen. Man alive. To us baby boomers, that's just plain awful. I remember when I was a little girl standing by the kitchen sink with a pailful of freshly-picked eggs, washing them with a rag and Ajax. Mom took the eggs to the Produce. Wonder what she got for them, probably pennies a dozen. Making out a grocery list these days is a mathematical challenge. Not only that, but containers have gotten smaller so we get less for higher prices. Lots of merchandising gimmicks. Oh, that reminds me that there's a new word out.......it's MERCH, short for merchandise. We're in such a hurry, now we have to abbreviate our words. (Time to pray.)
What a glorious day. Last night the harvest moon was again a spiritual sign in the sky. It's amazing to think that all of us earthlings see the same moon, the same sun and the same stars. If only we could all get along with one another, it truly would be a global paradise. But, life wasn't designed to be that simple. After all, any good sailor will say he's a good sailor only because of the storms he's had to endure.
Best scoot here. Squeeze every drop of nectar from the day. Ta-ta till the morrow.