Saturday, October 8, 2022

 What a gorgeous October day!  

The boyfriend is out and about, tending to a couple of calls for assistance down in the workshop.  That gave me quiet time to write my article for the October Venny Newsletter.  Couldn't think of a topic, until I re-read my journal entries of the 2008 Northern Minnesota 3-week camping trip.  I decided to write about two interesting gentlemen that I had visited with.

A batch of homemade vegetable soup awaits for supper.  We shared with two of our Venny friends, one with the recent heart surgery.  There's not really a lot one can do for someone, but hopefully vitamin-rich veggie soup will hit the spot for them.  Was going to bake rolls today out of frozen bread dough, but didn't get around to it.  

These cool October days are ideal for staying inside with the patio screen door open.  We're going to stay home beside the hearth and enjoy the calm and quiet.  After all the years, sometimes I'm dazzled by the thought of us not being required to do anything other than what we feel like doing.  It's that business of living at the moment, cuz none of us knows how many moments are left to tick on our time clock. 

Enjoy the day!