Learned a new word today. SHACKET......a cross between a shirt and a jacket. Who knew!
New words are popping up all over the place. Shacket reminds me of the skort, which was a cross between a skirt and shorts. Another likeness is the shouse, the cross between a shed and a house.
Cuddy got me up earlier than usual, cuz he was thirsty. I convinced him to come back to bed so Dale could get another hour's sleep. The little soul complied.
Have been watching romance-comedy movies on YT. Also following the sentencing trial for the school shooter in Florida. One of the expert witness doctors testified that he has spent over 400 hours on this case. When the prosecution asked what he charges per hour, he said $400. Yuppers, one expert among many has accrued lots of hours and $160,000 on this person who has confessed to happily murdering 17 innocents. The sentencing hearing has been going on for over 30 days, and next week the jury will be sequestered until it decides on life in prison without parole or death. For those of us who are plagued with the legal syndrome, the opportunity to watch this circus live is quite the entertainment.
How would I vote if I were on this jury? Man alive, what a burden imposed on a jury to decide if someone lives or dies. I can understand making the decision, but what about the conscience that may possibly be a lifelong torture for the juror? My decision right now is this: my heart tells me one thing, my brain tells me another...quite the brain battle. Will wait to see how this plays out.
One thing for sure, the shooter-killer-murderer is getting far more attention than he deserves. After spending over 40 years working in the justice system, gotta say a criminal has the best seat in the house and nobody dares do him any injustice.
Yesterday two combines crawled across the cornfield by Venny, taking with them this year's corn crop. Today all that remains is a golden carpet of cut-off stalks. Another season silently stands on the sideline ready to take the torch into the next. A silent life lecture.
Eight weeks from now we'll be wrapped up in Christmas. The holiday has changed for us over the years. No more gift exchanges, and it's almost impossible for several families to agree on a date to gather around our tree. Plus, they have their own families to be with, and we must adapt ourselves to these late-life transitions.
Yesterday the boyfriend and his Venny buddy went for a 5-hour trolley around the picturesque countryside, stopped at an old-fashioned tavern for what is reported as yummy fish sandwiches, and enjoyed guy time. Cuddy and I cuddled. I think Cuddy considers our home to be his resort of choice. He's as cozy here as an insect inside a rolled-up carpet!
Tis an absolutely beautiful day, with the autumnal chill. Think it might be time to place an order for new Cuddl Duds, my favorite attire in the winter months. They come in the neatest colors, usually the leggings are patterned with color coordinated tops. Cuddle weather calls for cuddly clothes, preferably Cuddl Duds, and a cuddly canine called Cuddy!