Thursday, October 20, 2022

Last night's yellow squash casserole will be one of the recipes that'll be saved in my new notebook.  The Wheat Thins that were substituted for Ritz crackers actually gave the dish a grain flavor.  Goes to show one can be creative in the kitchen, as well as a craft room. 

Too early to know what I shall do today.  A new pool table is being installed here at Venny today.  That's gonna be a nice addition, cuz there are some guys and gals who enjoy the game.  When I was a little girl, after my parents built a new ranch style home on the farm in 1956, we had a regulation size pool table in the basement.  My bro and I played for hours and hours, and I got actually quite good.  But, then years passed and the skill dissipated to where now I'd be embarrassed to try.  But, I will.  Maybe I should put my head up and pretend I'm a pro.....NOT.

That reminds me of something so funny.  Back when, the boyfriend and I went to a neighboring town to play a round of golf.  This chick despised the game, but I had to partake to stay part of the 'in crowd.'  We were gonna start at the first tee-off, and there was a guy ahead of us.  He was dressed like a pro, took his club and made a few practice swings.  Then he ripped a few blades of grass out of the ground, tossed 'em up in the air, supposedly to determine the direction of wind.  He made a few more practice swings, and I thought he'd blow the ball outta sight.  Then came the big moment....the big swing......and the ball rolled off the tee about five feet in front of him.  This was one of those times when I was laughing before I realized I was laughing.  For god's sake, I don't laugh at others.  Never.  But, when it comes to show-offs, well, what can I say.  Why not just be ordinary, not put on such a show.  Never could understand the need for pretense.  

Just tracked the book Sophie's World that I ordered on eBay, and see that it's out for delivery.  Yippee, that means it'll soon be outside our door. 

Boyfriend will be heading to the grocery store to take advantage of some sale items.  HiVee has 3 lb hamburger for $1.66 a lb.  Smart shoppers will point their carts in that direction.  

Ta-ta for today.