Tuesday, October 18, 2022


The beaded bedroom curtains have rainbows dancing on the walls this morning.  Brilliant sunshine makes for a wonderful start to the day.   Boyfriend took Cuddy out for his morning hike, and he sez it's cold out there.  Checked the weather app, and it's currently 24 degrees.

This afternoon at 1 o'clock a local business is coming to clean our bedroom carpets, only the areas that are walked on.  We're not having them move the furniture.  Did this last year, and it doesn't take long.  The off-white carpet was in the unit when we bought it six years ago.  I remember when we were young, we'd rent a clumsy Rug Doctor machine, haul it home in the back of the pickup, and the boyfriend did the cleaning, then it needed to be re-loaded in the pickup and returned to the store.  

Received more photos from NYC.  The latest ones were from the Museum of Natural History.  OMG.  Think I'd come apart in the place.  One photo is of a huge lavender geode.  Love geodes.....all rocks, stones, and pebbles, actually.  To me, there's nothing more pure.  Only the Earth, through the Hands of a Greater Force, can create such amazingly unbelievable beauty.  I'd post the photo of the lavender geode, but they're standing in front of it, and I wouldn't dream of violating their privacy.  I could crop the photo, but then it wouldn't show the size of the rock.  I will share, tho, these three.........


The boyfriend brought us a plate of fresh apples from the "Help Yourself Table" on the first floor, along with two small acorn squash.  Also brought a 2023 Nature Calendar someone left for the taking.  We at Venny are sharers and carers.  Kind of our own little corner of the world.

The optometrist instructed me to use Systane eye drops twice a day at a minimum, plus use Systane eye ointment on my eyes before bed.  Am hoping that my dry eye problem will abate.  She's trying to figure out a formula of applications for me to take care of the problem.  There are prescribable eye drops, but very pricey.  I told her I'd be a good girl and do what she says until my next appointment in six weeks.  This aging business is a bandaid business.  One ailment gets fixed, and another one pops up.  Guess we'd best be grateful for every new day and not focus so much on the small stuff.  No matter what, there's some other dear soul out there who has it a million times worse.  

Coffee sure tastes good.  Gonna fix myself a salad for lunch, with cut-up chicken tenders from Kwik Star.  Their chicken is really good. 

Try to stay between the lines.  Ta-ta for today!