Thursday, October 13, 2022


Cuddy's parents are at the Today Show this morning and shared a fist bump with Al Roker.  Those two sure do know how to make the most of their travel ventures.  They don't just go places to say they've been there, they saturate every bit of the places that have been carefully researched beforehand.  For them, traveling is a learning experience, and we are beneficiaries of what they see.  It's called armchair travel.

Just had a series of sneezes.  Probably it's harvest particles in the air this time of year.  

Tomorrow morning is a follow-up appointment with my optometrist.  I've been lax in putting in eye drops, so will probably be reprimanded.  Would imagine it's difficult for a young professional to deal with an older person who doesn't do what they're told.  But, that's their problem, part of the growing up process we've all been through.  Tolerating others is one of life's biggest challenges, especially those individuals with abrasive personalities.  We're all different, so it only makes sense that we clash head-on with certain ones.  

Overcast again, the sun is playing hide and seek.  Light rain is forecast, starting in about a half hour.  Chilly 38 degrees.  The boyfriend fixed what my family called hash.  You take leftovers from the fridge and scramble eggs with it.  A little bit of ketchup to top it off.  

Breaking News:  The verdict has just been read in the Florida school shooting.  Defendant will get life in prison without parole.  November 1st the families of the 14 children and 3 adults, who were mercilessly slaughtered, will have the right to express their opinion of the verdict.  The final sentencing will follow.  

My opinion?  Well, I followed this for 32 days, and now my hope is that life will torment the shooter every single moment he is alive.  That, hopefully, will be a more cruel sentence than death. 

Just heard that the jury's vote was 11 to 1.    


  1. I volunteer at a pharmacy, this week the pharmacist was telling about people that take insulin think because of the insulin they can eat and drink whatever they want. I thought that too. I take statins but they doesn't stop me from eating what I want. Maybe I should change my ways.

  2. Hey, sometimes we do what we want to do. Think we Baby Boomers are getting tired of being told what to do and how to do it by those who haven't lived life. It's just like going to the doctor, being overweight, and being sent to a dietician that weighs 90 pounds dripping wet. There are some things that we must do according to our own hearts and minds. (Am I on a rant?? giggle)
