Friday, October 14, 2022

This morning I'm going solo to my optometrist appointment.  Most of the time, or rather all of the time, the two of us go everywhere together.  When we were younger, it was a different story.  It's that business of how life changes us, what we do, how we do it, and why we do it.  I love to drive the car, always have.  But, society has changed drastically since our heyday.  With alcohol, drugs and road rage mixed into the pudding, I'm more on the alert for the other person's behavior.  Plus, high speeds do not make for a welcome arena.  

Placed a grocery order at our local Fareway Store and will stop for them on my way back home.  The boyfriend prefers in-store shopping, and I prefer online shopping.  It's that business of two personalities preferring opposite approaches to a routine task.  The boyfriend enjoys chatting with others, while I enjoy getting in the store, getting what I need, and getting out.  It's just the way we are.  Today I chose online, cuz I'm picking up the groceries.

For me, online shopping offers me a larger selection on screen to choose from.  Standing in an aisle, with shopping carts bumping into me, makes it literally impossible to compare prices and see what is available of each item.  When I have it in front of me on screen, I can cursor through everything and make better choices.  The big factor is having someone else choose one's food.  I understand that.  But, our local store has been absolutely on target with its choices.  Not once have we gotten fresh produce that hasn't been the freshest.  There's a place on the Fareway app to write the unknown shopper a note about personal preference.  Like in today's order, I added a note for them to double wrap an ice cream container.

During the nighttime my knee hurt so bad it woke me.  Am fearing that a cortisone shot may be necessary if it keeps up.  Drat.  Double drat.  Thought I could hold out and it would heal by itself.  Will give it a couple more days and decide by the first of next week.  

My brain is still twisted about yesterday's jury verdict.  The more I think about it, the more twisted my brain feels.  In an effort to keep my crazy thoughts to myself, I shall end the subject.  So many times in life, silence trumps speaking.  Actually, silence can be quite a powerful weapon of protection.  One can't get blamed for something he/she has not said.  I'm trying hard to live the remainder of my life by ancient advice:  if something doesn't concern me, then I must not concern myself with it.  It's that simple, and one's life is surely simplified by those words.

Best get in gear so I'm ready to leave home at 10:15.  The boyfriend is staying home with Cuddy.  The two buddies can have the place to themselves.  Kind of a guy time.  Will await the verdict on my dry eye problem.  I need new lenses, but we're waiting to find the magic formula to take care of their dryness.  

Ta-ta till the morrow.