Thursday, February 10, 2022


Benny and Larry
Our late-life home has gradually turned into a gnome home over the past 5-1/2 years.  

Mr. Wiscky (bought him in Wisconsin) is in the entryway holding a welcome sign.  A few of them are naughty is in the guest bathroom, he's bending over with his pants down showing his butt.  Another one is on the burgundy buffet in the living room, and he's smoking pot.  Two playful gnomes are sitting on a see-saw, two mischievous boys are standing beside the gnome home I painted on a clay pot.  Then there's Benny lounging on the scroll-sawed stand that Dale made (shown to the left).  The naughtiest gnome is Larry, and, as you can see, he's peeing on the floor.  (Actually, there's a funny story to Larry, but it's best kept in the family.)  Sometimes I use my gnomes to make a statement about some thing or some one that's bugging me.  

Jimmy, our barefoot gnome
Couldn't resist getting a barefoot gnome, and Jimmy relaxes in a hammock.  Not often does one find a barefoot gnome, and I'm a believer in bare feet.  That's the one element of my childhood that I simply refused to leave behind.  Can remember one time another female looked at my feet and said, "My God, your barefooted."  I looked down at her (she was shorter than me) and replied, "So?"  Good thing she didn't push me another inch, cuz I was ready to use my bare foot to move her to another location.  The free spirit, my gypsy blood, holds true.  There are times when we're about to leave home and the boyfriend has to remind me to put on shoes.

A few snowflakes are floating in the air, just to tease me.  How I'd love an old-fashioned blizzard.  Always enjoy a non-destructive storm of any kind.  Love the sound of thunder and a good ground-soaking rainfall.  

Think today will be the finalizing of my beaded curtain.  Together, the boyfriend and I, have agreed on the spacing between the strands of beads.  Will take the two of us to hang them, and hopefully tomorrow a photo will show the finished project.