Yowza, the world is a wobbly place right now. Was watching the Canadian Parliament debating the emergency act. It never stops baffling me how the PM continues to evade answering direct questions.
As a matter of record for my book of blogs, America is about to witness a trucker convoy of our own.....people are sick and tired of standing by watching our country go down the drain. The truckers are the bloodline of the world. Without them, we don't eat, we don't have our prescription drugs, medical supplies, we have nothing. People are being forewarned to have groceries and essentials ahead, should the truckers be tending to the business of protesting. It's gonna take the heart of our nation to tackle the heart of the problems.
It's interesting how we all have our own different ways of looking at things. What one person labels as "fear," the next person labels as "being smart." Just because a person goes out and preps for emergency situations, that doesn't indicate fear.....to me, that indicates foresight and being responsible for oneself and one's family.
Sounds like there might be a light snowfall heading our way, but only a trace. The boyfriend went to pick up the order we placed online at Walmart; plus, he has a prescription at the pharmacy to pick up. Looks a bit windy outside. My little fuzz bucket is laying beside me, comfy as can be. We've grown so so so close, don't have a clue how we'll relinquish him to his owners next month. Think next week we may treat him to another day at the spa.....have his groomer give him a bath to freshen him up. We treat him as though he were our very own.
Nothing else newsworthy in my world. Having leftover spaghetti for supper. Wish we didn't have to watch our carb intake. Otherwise, think I might go bake a cake or a pie. About the closest thing we have to a dessert is sugar-free apple sauce and diced peaches in their own juice, no sugar added. Sometimes I watch those shows where individuals weigh 600 to 700 to 800 pounds. Man, that could be me if dieting wasn't always a part of my life. After all the years, must admit to being frustrated by the continual deprivation. At one time, I worked with a female who didn't like to eat. She ate to live.....while, I lived to eat. The two of us never got along.
A V-formation of Canadian Geese just flew by. Last night nine deer were out front of Venny, then walked up in the open field.