The photo doesn't do justice to the Boho beaded curtain now hanging in our bedroom window. When the sun shines, all four walls and ceiling dance with rainbows and polka dots......
After we hung the 36-strand curtain, the remaining beads were put away. No more beading for a while. Am beaded out.
The next project is crocheting a valance for our patio doors. Will create my own pattern, simple and minimal. Am deciding what kind of rod to use, and my inclination is to go with the spring-loaded rod that doesn't require pounding of nails. Don't think the valance with be gathered. Want it to be sweet and subtle.
So it is that Sunday is upon us once more. Think we'll kick back and obey the age-old rule of no work on Sunday. A Venny friend gave me a large hard cover book of Sherlock Holmes mysteries, and the little voice inside my head keeps nudging me toward reading. Three Advil have relieved the pain in my lower back, so am good to go.