Sunday, February 20, 2022


Have been on a green olive kick.  Don't ask me why. 

My Daddy was the only one in our family of four who liked olives.  Remember him saying a person had to eat ten of them before they liked 'em.  Well, me and daddy were connected at the hip, so I'm here to say he and I were the two B's who liked olives.  

First, olives are salty.  All the hype about salt has me confused.  Know for a fact that a sore throat can be healed by gargling salt water.  Have done it many times.  

A bit of research leads me to some interesting data......

➤Olives are an antioxidant-rich food.  

➤Olives have a negative calorie load, which means one burns more calories digesting an olive than one gains eating an olive.

➤By eating a daily serving of healthy olives one can help improve cognitive function, brain health and memory.  

➤Olives are anti-inflammatory and have anti-cancer properties.

There are alot of foods available to us, and for that we are incredibly fortunate.  All of us have our preferences and dislikes.  Like with all else.  It's a fun memory for me, after all these years, to remember daddy and me being the olive lovers in the B-family.  Little things keep us connected to those who came before us, but continue to live inside our hearts.  Can't ever eat an olive without thinking of my Daddy!


  1. Here's where are similarity ends. I'm not a fan of green olives but I do like black olives.
