Wednesday, February 23, 2022


Just put the completed beaded lamp shade on the vintage lamp in our bedroom.  This is definitely another merit badge in my quest for putting beauty in the broken.  Am calling it quits for today, tomorrow will put away the beads and close the curtain on the beading work.

Had a very nice day, a call from my cuz made it oh so special.  Lots going on in the world, and this evening the PM of Canada rescinded his declaration of the emergency act.  Ukraine has just announced their emergency situation.  

Today the date is officially set for the St. Patty's Day Party we're having at our house for our Venny 6-some.  Think we're going to make a traditional Irish meal.  Have been online looking for recipes.  We're invited out for another 6-some dinner on the 19th, so there's gonna be a lot of March partying.  Hope we all stay healthy.  

Last night for supper we had hard-shell tacos with all the toppings.  Tonight we're having fried rice and stir fry.  Dale had a garden meeting this morning down in the workshop.  Time to think spring.  Unfortunately, our master gardener passed away this year, and now his contributions are glaringly obvious.  Every spring he started tomato plants for everyone.  All we had to do was tell him what kind, and he'd start 'em under lights in the workshop.  His work in the flower gardens now has to be done by other Venny volunteers.  Interesting how all things work out.....a lady moved in who has stood up and taken charge of the refurbishing of the garden plot project.  

Ta-ta for today. 


  1. Thanks for the pic of your lampshade. It's beautiful! I love it.
    As for St. Patty's Get Together, a simple dish you could have (I couldn't) is Cally aka Champ. Research it under The Spruce Eats. It'd be quick and easy and transportable.

  2. Thanks, I did find the recipe, too. So much history to the Irish culture and past history. The potato resonates IRISH. I'll keep you clued in to what I decide to put on the party table. Stay tuned.
