Monday, February 7, 2022


Spent the morning writing my monthly column for the Venny Newsletter.  Man, but the months go by fast.  Seems it was yesterday my head was wondering what to write about for January.  

It's a pretty sunny day.  Am going to fire up my engine and string beads for my Boho Curtain.  Am thinking ahead of what might be my next project, which will be crocheting a valance to hang above our sliding patio doors.  Refuse to start one big project till the current one is complete.  That's how a person runs into creator's block, where projects become burdens instead of hobbies.  

Dale measured and cut a dowel 29" long for me to measure my bead strands.  Wouldn't you know, the other evening the dowel somehow got under the foot rest of my electric recliner.  When I put the foot rest down, about five inches of the wooden dowel snapped off.  Frick and frack.  Now have it taped together so it can serve its purpose.  

There's very little anymore that I can't screw up.


  1. LOL, I find that I just can't keep my trap shut after reading this post. Thanks for the chuckle. I totally know you are human... and the best, not afraid to tell the truth. Shit happens, sorry fonzie but you may have to cut a new dowel for the little woman when she gets her project finished in case the tape doesn't hold. Sounds like you are having great meals this winter, what can one expect with 2 great chefs in the same household. Ta ta for now, I will email you. It's been a busy few days. Cheers! M.O.
