Woke with a frickin' lower backache, the arthritis letting me know it loves living with me. Scans have shown this to be the case, so thank you, Mr. Advil, for the relief you bestow.
Oh, am aware that the medical fields prefer we use Tylenol, but for some reason it just doesn't have the pain-killing punch that Advil does. Anyway, in my individual case. Every one of us is different and reacts differently to medications. Am just thankful there's over-the-counter relief.
An overcast day here. Cold, too. The boys went outside this morning.....that's the only reason I know the temperature. Have nary the plans to venture outside. Today most likely will have me stringing the newly arrived unbelievably gorgeous beads on 8-pound-test fishing line. Have reached into the boyfriend's tackle stash for my crafting supplies, or rather he has.
Both of us are getting anxious to hit the trout streams this year. Our state now offers lifetime trout stamps for us wisdom-walkers. Will check if they're offering it online so we don't have to go anywhere to get 'em. That way whenever we get the itch we'll be set and ready. Last year we didn't go out at all. See where they've done some clearing of brush along the public stream, and there's even park benches for those of us with backaches. Comfort is my arena from here on out.
Fishing for the two of us is so much fun, cuz we kinda razz one another unmercifully as to who catches the first fish. It's silly, cuz we bet each other an ice cream cone, so it's a win-win either way. There's no doubt that the boyfriend far exceeds me in catching trout, but that won't stop me from raising a raucous when I can pull out a fish using my short pink fish pole. The boyfriend calls it a Barbie pole.....what a slam. Not only do we enjoy the catching, but also the frying and eating. The boyfriend does all the messy stuff, but that's his choice as well as mine. I cleaned enough fish in my childhood to last a lifetime.Writing about fish makes me hungry for fish. Am a seafood lover all the way around. Give me scallops, lobster, shrimp, Alaskan King Crab, crab cakes......and trout, bluegill, crappie, walleye, northern, perch.....all welcome on my plate. Two musts that we like with fried fish are potato salad and baked beans. My Mom made the best potato salad in the entire universe. Some things are just not replaceable.
Cuddy and I went to bed early last night. He wanted to go outside potty at 9 o'clock, so the two of us snuggled in for the night. He lasted until 8:15 this morning when he wanted down off the bed. Now the little twink is sound asleep in his bed.
Looks as though the world hasn't ended, so will carry on with the day. Our agenda is clear, so it's kick back and do as we please. Ta-ta.