Friday, February 18, 2022

Watching what's happening to our neighbors to the north has given me a headache.  I've vowed not to commit to anything controversial on my site, and, for that reason, will simply say my head hurts from it all.

A few snowflakes are flying around, can barely see 'em.  The boys are outside for a few minutes, and the five o'clock hour is upon us.  Have no news, other than the lamp shade strands are finished.  Only finishing touches left.  



  1. I was showing Kell your start on the lampshade and beaded curtain. She thought both were pretty and we both can't wait for pics of finished projects.
    Check FB messages, please.

  2. Well, have run into a snag with the lamp. Experience teaches for sure. It's an old and kinda weird gold lamp. When I put the beaded shade on, all the light is on top and doesn't look like I want it to. Perhaps may have to buy another lamp to put the shade on. Dale sez he might be able to do something, don't know. Stay tuned. I don't give up.
