Tuesday, February 22, 2022


 Time to go to confession.

Okay, here's how this morning played out.  While the boyfriend takes the fuzzy one outside potty every morning, my job is to fire up Mr. Coffee.  This morning when Dale went to fill his cup, there was no coffee in the glass coffee pot.  Of course, I hear this laugh as he's lifting the lid to check on the water situation.  Wouldn't you know it, the coffee was in the paper filter, but I'd forgotten the water.  Even though his thoughts weren't spoken out loud, I knew darned well he was questioning my mental situation.  Probably thinking maybe I'm on my way out, who knows.

These blurbs are known as senior moments.  Whatever they are, one does stop to pause and can't help but wonder why I did such a dumb thing.  It's kind of like going in another room for something, getting in that room, and having no clue why one is there.  The dumbest thing this girl did when we were still living back home was putting a new pkg of pantyhose in the refrigerator as I was unpacking a WM sack.  

When we're young, these moments are funny.  They're anything but funny now, although my approach is to either laugh or stay silent.  This morning I chose to say nada word.  It's kinda like there's an elephant in the house but nobody's saying a word about it.

A light snow fell earlier.  A haze has settled in.  Good day to stay indoors.  My goal today is to finish the beaded lamp shade, place it on the lamp itself and call one of my projects finished.  The lamp shade initially seemed like an easy job, but one learns only by doing.  The only way to sum up my experience is to say that it's the one and only one this girl's ever gonna make.  

Today is a very unique date.....2-22-2022.....have the alarm set for 2:20 so we don't miss 2:22 of 2-22-22.  Isn't it cool that Twos Day happens on a Tuesday?