Wednesday, May 31, 2023

We're pretty sure we know who did it!

The suspect was caught in the immediate vicinity and showed not a trace of remorse.  Instead, he showed pride in the debris field left in the wake of his antics.  

Cuddy is the most behaved, gentle little soul, but once in a while he gets an impish streak and does something that speaks for itself.  Like the day he walked out of our unit (door was left partially open) and hiked on down the hallway, had to turn five corners to get to Bob and Sharon's unit where he knew he'd be served a treat immediately upon arrival.

Ya gotta love the spunk.  It's what cements these little fur babies to our hearts.  They may be of another species, but they have their own ways of expressing themselves.  We're not sure what Cuddy was expressing yesterday, but he definitely had a plan in mind.  One thing we're sure of, and that's that he knows darned well he can get away with pretty much anything at our house.  We think he thinks that Venny is his private resort.  He's not far from wrong, because there is a staff here that pretty much waits on him paw and foot!

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

 So many things to write about today.

1.  Received a phone call telling me that my college loans are forgiven.  That's an amazing bit of news for someone who's never taken out a college loan.

2.  Received an email that I won a brand new Rachel Ray Cucina Cookware Set.

3.  Received a text that I have won a surprise gift of  Keurig Coffee Maker.

Either I'm one very lucky person, or there are a lot of places trying to snag me into taking their bait.  Scammers abound.  Life today is like walking in a room filled with conibear traps.

Woke up to a beautiful rainbow on the bedroom wall.  Love those beaded curtains!  Next, the boyfriend spotted a fawn out on the Venny lawn.  OMG, how sweet.  The little deer walked a short way and then laid down on the grass and curled up beside a tree. 

Fawn walking on lawn

Fawn snuggled beside the tree

That was the main event of our day.  Later this afternoon a momma deer walked out front of our unit.  We suspect that both of them are in the wooded area close by.  

To quote Queen Latifah, "I don't have to take a trip around the world or be on a yacht in the Mediterranean to have happiness.  I can find it in little things, like looking out into my backyard and seeing deer in the fields."

Monday, May 29, 2023

First things first.  Cuddy is back to his usual self, eating his food, drinking water, and mozying around the house looking for a stray piece of human food.  We obey his parental rules that he gets no people food, only his canine cuisine.  

The little bugger wanted to get up at 5 a.m. so I obliged.  We came to the living area, where I reclined and covered with a blanket.  He went to his little bed.  The new day greeted me with the most spectacular sight in the eastern horizon.  Quickly grabbed my phone to perpetuate the glorious sunrise......

It doesn't matter how screwed up our human world is, Mother Nature keeps bestowing her beauty upon us.  

Sunday, May 28, 2023

Little Cuddy is under the weather.  Poor little guy didn't eat yesterday and this morning he upchucked on the rug.  He's resting in his bed, and we hope by this evening he'll be able to eat some of his food.  At his age, it's scary when he doesn't feel well.  Guess that's today's worry.

My mother and her aunts were first-class worriers.  Think they all had Ph.D.'s in the science of World Wide Worry.  Now that I'm older, I seem to have inherited some of their tendencies, cuz I find myself worried about quite a few things at the same time.  There's a quote about worry that's quite famous, and it goes like this:  Worrying is carrying tomorrow's load with today's strength.  Carrying two days at once.  It is moving into tomorrow ahead of time.  Worrying doesn't empty tomorrow of its sorrow, it empties today of its strength.

Makes so much sense, but is so darned hard to do.  Think I worry about others more than I worry about myself.  Today there are family things going on that shouldn't and don't concern me, but still they do.  It's like I'm in the highest bleacher looking down on a playing field where the players look like ants.  Why worry about someone I can't even see?  

I've been in slow motion in finishing the book that I started a few weeks ago.  The Baron In The Trees is a fantasy story about a kid who gets mad at his family and goes to live in the trees.  I'm not into fantasy, so it's a struggle to finish.  What I need is a Dan Brown book where I can immerse my brain in a fast-paced read that holds my interest and from which I can learn something.  Fantasy just isn't my cup of tea.  I'm too much of a realist, I guess.

The day is beautiful.  A slight breeze has the birch leaves dancing once again.  When the sun hits their leaves, they turn and lighten up.  So pretty.  Which reminds me, Dale tells me a wren is residing in the gourd wren house by the garden plots.  Haven't seen or heard one outside our unit.  

So another day goes.  We don't go to the cemeteries anymore on Memorial weekend.  That was an annual ritual when our mothers were still with us.  We choose to let go of that outward expression of respect and simply cherish the memories in our hearts.

Saturday, May 27, 2023

For those who are camping this Memorial weekend, the weather is positively perfect.  So many years in our past we remember Memorial weekends drenching us and our tents to where we had to pack up and go back home.  Those were crazy days, but left us with memories we wouldn't trade for the world.

The camping we used to do was unlike the camping today.  Back then, we pitched a tent and 'roughed it.'  Today, camping refers to parking a motor home in a campground and enjoying the luxury of a movable home, sometimes nicer than home.  It's a wonderful way for young families to spend the weekend together.  

Friday, May 26, 2023

This afternoon 4 to 8 is the first of two graduations to which we're invited this year.  Got a puppy sitter lined up.

High school graduation is a milestone.  It's where a mature teenager begins the path he/she wants to follow.  Will they continue on with college?  Will they choose a trade that may only require an associate's degree?  Some will focus on academic degrees, others may apprentice with experienced masters.  

It's a whole different row to hoe for today's young people than it was for us back in the 1960s.  Most of us who have our working years behind us find it easy to wish we'd done things differently.  Back then, a career was chosen for the long haul, while today it's normal to jump from job to job, switch careers midway, or simply decide not to contribute to society in any way whatsoever.  It's a brand new game without a set of rules.  

Graduation parties honor the graduates.  Parents rent places to hold these events and put on a meal for their family and friends.  Most every graduate has a party, so people hop and stop from one party to the other on the same day, at the same times.  There's usually a cake and lots of pictures from the graduates childhood up until graduation.  Some parents serve their kid's favorite food for the party.  Our great niece had the neatest party, and they served roasters of mac and cheese along with turkey and cheese wraps.  Others have served taco bars.  

I can remember when I graduated high school.  My parents invited my aunt and uncle over for lunch following the commencement ceremony at school.  That was it.  My parental present was a Lane cedar chest, which is in our main bedroom today.  Inside it are blankets and miscellaneous linen-like things that aren't used.  We've moved our Christmas Cactus in the bedroom, and it's sitting on top of the cedar chest.  Cedar chests were called Hope Chests, maybe because parents hoped some guy would come along and marry their daughter.  Who knows. 

 Each generation reinvents itself.  What works for one can't possibly work for the next one.  That's why change keeps happening, traditions change, leaving all things in the dust.  One thing I know for certainty, I would not want to go back and do life all over again.  The employment ethic that was implanted in me at birth made my life quite difficult and challenging.  Always had to work harder to be better, and that kind of daily routine is exhausting.  I always had to be on my A-game.  Oh, it paid off in the end, and I'm grateful for what I have today because of that kind of personal responsibility.  Like the two of us say, we made our way by ourselves.  I have given myself the label, "The one who got nothing."

It's a beautiful day for the graduation parties.  I'm sure all the parents are breathing sighs of relief to see sunshine instead of a downpour.  Some families will set up tables in their garages, others will hold the party indoors.  It's time to extend our best wishes to those starting their journey.  It's a big deal no matter how we slice it.  

Thursday, May 25, 2023

What's it all about?

As mentioned a few times, I keep seeing a series of the same number every day.  Like yesterday while waiting in the car.  When the boyfriend left the car for his eye appointment, I nonchalantly checked my phone to see what time it was.  Yup, there it was 1:11.  For me, waiting is something I'm not able to do without a book to read.  So, that's what I did for a good while.  I checked my phone again, and guess what time it was.....yup, 2:22.  I swear this happens several times every day.  It's not that I'm looking for this, it simply happens.

Went to the Dollar Tree to pick up a few things.  Everything is now $1.25 because of national across-the-board price hikes.  There's a lot of hype about price gouging, which personally I think is more accurate.  While in the store, I bumped into a childhood girlfriend.  So many years have passed, yet we talked like next door neighbors.  What is it about friendships formed when we're small children?  Maybe it was the age of innocence when our feelings were genuine, and we meant a lot to one another.  We played together, went to school together and grew up together before splitting off in different life directions.  A few minutes of reminiscing brought back happy thoughts....of times that exist only in one's memory.  When this happens at our stage of life, it's a sweet thing.....mainly because we don't know if it might be the last visit we have together.

After the Dollar Tree, we came back home.  There were leftovers in the fridge, so meal preparation was not necessary.  Simply heat the stuff up in the microwave.  Today is a free day, but each of us has a plan.  Don't know what has happened to us, but we do not like days that involve appointments and other obligations.  It's that business of doing what we feel like doing.  

Memorial Day weekend is fast approaching.  On Sunday we'll be hosting a little gathering for a friend who's celebrating her second 40th birthday.  Growing older has its ouches, but the event is truly a blessing.  Not everyone is lucky enough to see that second 40th birthday.  Maybe it's time we count each blessing as two blessings, cuz we are doubly blessed.   

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

The fuzz bucket wanted out of the bed at 4 a.m., so the two of us camped out in the living area until 6:30, when he wanted to go outside.  Our hotel puts our guests first!

To pass the time, I watched a YT police video of a DWI traffic stop, which resulted in the drunk female accumulating a total of four additional charges of Assault on Police Officers.  She was a kicker, a biter and a spitter.  At one point in the 2-hour video, she insisted she be taken to the hospital because of police mistreatment.  She was so combative in the ambulance, the driver pulled over to the side and refused to haul her an inch further.  The cops were following the ambulance, so they had to load the obese female into one of their vehicles.  You can't make this stuff up, it's that bizarre.  The sad part is that it's the daily routine for law enforcement.  

Have been thinking long and hard about life.....about one's journey coming to an end.  There are five ways for this to happen:  1)  Illness, 2) accident, 3) old age, 4) suicide and 5) homicide.  It's an interesting experiment to think about the things we don't want to say good-bye to forever.  For me, the thought of not seeing the beautiful things of Nature makes me the saddest.  The birds, the animals, the flowers, the trees, the blue sky, those sorts of things.  

Another helpful experiment for us earthlings is to ponder what it would be like to live forever.  Just imagine that.  Would it not be a curse rather than a blessing?  We'd not be able to enjoy the idea of a retirement and being able to take life easier.  There are a lot of situations and circumstances that we all must endure while we enjoy life, and if those things were to last forever and ever and ever.....well, that's not a pleasant thought.  Actually, the scary parts of life are gaining more weight than the good parts.  Personal safety is threatened no matter where we go.  What used to be good is now considered bad, and what used to be bad is now considered good.  We were taught to trust everyone, and today we tell the kids to trust no one.  No matter what we see as a gain, ends up being a gimmick.  Prices are insane, inflation is growing like a balloon, people are turning to narcotics to dull their pain, and politics and politicians continue to plant hatred like a garden and the senseless destruction of forests and waters are leading humanity to a place that is not inviting.  All these things put death in a more acceptable and less frightening perspective.  Oh, I know, it's probably not the best topic to write about, but please show me the person who doesn't ever think about this stuff.  

Maybe it's because I'm the last one standing in my immediate family that these thoughts burden my brain.  The daily Tao devotional readings help me stay afloat.  In my mind I'm quite important, but in the grand scheme of things I'm simply a minnow swimming in the ocean.  As that minnow, I cannot fathom the length, the width and the depth of the water I was born to swim in.  All I can do is flip my tiny fins until one of the five things happens to me.  

I am no longer willing to take risks.  I don't want to tip the happy canoe.  Like today, my joy comes from the sunshine, the flowers out on the beautiful green lawn and even the hazy sky.  There's no need to go anywhere to find contentment or adventure.  The thought of something happening to disrupt our life is terrifying.  

Wow, this ended up being a serious topic today.  I never know what I'll write about until my fingers hit the keys.  My mind just takes off like a runaway horse like in the westerns we watched on t.v. as kids.  


Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Must give another update about my returning of the Ruggable round 6' rug that I inadvertently ordered.  Long story short, Ruggable has real humans write human emails to assist with exchanges and returns.  The rep that assisted me was superb, and Ruggable's website is spot-on when it comes to accomplishing an exchange for a refund.  Wanted to say Ruggable is a reliable online company.

Another pretty day, and rainbows are all over the bedroom walls as a by-product of the bead curtains that I made last year.  

This is the day that our lower-level garage floors are being power washed, so the parking lot out front of our unit is filled with Vennier cars.  There's a sun-glare from the hood of one of the cars, and it's hitting me right in the eyes.  I've already watered the petunia and picked off a few drying blossoms.  She's thriving on onion tea.  Still no wrens, but my friend a bit north of us tells me she heard them singing.  So, I'm still hanging on to hope, but with each day that hope dwindles.

The boyfriend sharpened knives (ours and for others) yesterday.  Small tasks like that make life easier.  Nothing worse than trying to cut through a tomato with a dull knife.  I have to stick the point of the knife in the tomato in order to make the slice.  He takes care of stuff like that, and I can say I have never sharpened a knife in my life.  Oh, how we take for granted the things that others do for us.  

The bridal wreath bushes below our unit are absolutely gorgeous.  Perhaps every spring I write about them and about my maternal Gramma's bridal wreath.  Hers framed the south side of their house yard on the farm.  In the corner, I remember lilac bushes.  Flowers always bring Gramma to my mind, and those are undeniably some of my bestest memories of my childhood.  I'd give the world to have her come visit me at Venny.  Just imagine all that we'd have to talk about.  I know she'd be very happy for me.

Spiraea Bridal Wreath
Actually, every time I polish and paint my fingernails I think of Gramma.  My soul can see and feel the two of us sitting on her back porch, she in a wooden rocker and me by her side.  She held my little hand in hers and told me to always keep my fingernails clean and pretty.  That was about seventy years ago, and I remember it like it happened the day before yesterday.  We never know the power of our words.

The boyfriend has a routine doctor appointment this morning at 9:30.  Because we have Cuddy, I'm staying back with him.  It's our usual way to at least wait in the car while the other is in the clinic, simply for moral support.  Being Cuddy doesn't like the car, plus it's warm out, I'm staying home with him where it's nice and cool.  The little monkey takes high priority.

Monday, May 22, 2023

Today I share a photo of the chef that lives with me.  Saturday night he grilled kabobs that were dee-lish.  Healthy and tasty is a superb combo.  His kabobs were made of beef, yellow squash, red onion, cherry tomatoes, green peppers and mushrooms brushed with his own flavored sauce. 

We tend not to go out to eat like we used to, mostly because of the prices and the fact that we're spoiled.  There's no restaurant on the planet that can offer us the solitude, safety and spectacular food that we enjoy at our home.  The boyfriend loves to grill on our Weber electric grill.  
Cuddy loves sitting outside with us.  Sometimes he puts his little paw up to the screen, asking to go sit outside by himself.  His preference is to have one of us out there with him.  We have a light wire fence up against the railing to ensure his safety.  After his bath yesterday, he smells like a flower.

Sunday, May 21, 2023


Little Cuddy just got a bath in the kitchen sink.  His step-daddy scrubbed and rubbed, and now he's fresh and clean and comfy.  Dale lifted him out of the sink and put him in a big bath towel I had ready to wrap him up in.  Then I put him out on the deck where the sun dried his curly coat.  Now the little guy is cuddled in his bed.

The chicken bought yesterday on sale is in our large dutch oven bubbling into a savory broth that will be ready for the egg noodles that will complete the chicken noodle soup.  Sundays are good soup days, even in the hot weather.  A loaf of the best rye bread came home in the grocery bag, and a slice with butter will top off the meal.  

Have been out and watered the petunia plant.  She's filled with red and white blossoms.  Still no sign of a wren.  Can't imagine that they've not arrived in this area yet.  Chances are good the little house will remain empty for the season.  We'll leave it out there, cuz it is a cute one that resembles a woven basket with a blue roof.  

While sitting out on the deck last evening sipping on a vodka-tonic, I read the daily words of Tao that I wish I'd read when I was young.  

To destroy something, lead it to its extreme.

To preserve something, keep to the middle.

Good advice, but too late.  These words mirror the idea of the Golden Mean.  Oh, how I remember thinking I had to invest myself 150% in others and situations.  I'd have been far better off if I'd have invested 75% of myself.  Perhaps I could've avoided a lot of pain and heartache.  Sometimes what we intend doesn't come off as a good thing, but rather an interference in someone else's life.  I think anything we do, we can over-do.  

This refers also to the business of "letting go."  I'm still learning how to do that.  I've learned that life is like an ocean.  There's no way we can understand its vastness and its depth.  Yet, we must float around the ocean, deal with the tides and tsunamis.  At times we can barely hang on, yet we must.  We cannot understand life anymore than we can understand the majestic seven seas.  I cling to the feeling that there's gotta be a compass and life-jacket inside me to have kept me from drowning.  

The older we get, the smaller our world becomes.  Things aren't so scattered, but rather drawn in closer.  We have less time left, and we can focus on that more.  The past shrinks in importance, and every moment prays for more moments.  

Isn't life interesting?  In one sense, we must try to "let go" of the stuff that brings us down.  At the same time, we "cling with all our might" to keep breathing and remain a microscopic part of the universe.   

Saturday, May 20, 2023


Better give an update on my Ruggable dilemma.  A most helpful Ruggable rep is going to prepare a return label and waive the return fee.  I can then order a 3 x 5 rug and a refund will be made.  That's the understanding as of this moment.  Stay tuned.

Just finished a project that's been on my to-do list.  Back in August of last year I began keeping a daily logbook of stuff we do.  Today I printed it out and started a new binder entitled DAILY LOGBOOK.  This will be helpful in remembering when we made purchases, paid bills, changed passwords, appointments, completed volunteer projects, that sort of stuff.  

The boyfriend is downtown at a hot rod show on main street.  Then to the stores to purchase specials offered.  A person's gotta be smart and snag the special prices.  Golf is on the telly this afternoon, so he'll be watching that.  

Our new bedspread was delivered to our door this morning.  It's still in the box.  Will wait till tomorrow to do the unveiling.  

Yesterday my Venny friend Marie gave me a throw she crocheted.  It looks absolutely perfect draped across our chair in the living area.  

Think I'm gonna get my brain embroiled in some armchair travel in some remote part of the world.  Last couple of days I've been watching videos posted by couples who travel to China to pick up the children they're adopting.  My mind's been opened up to what orphanage life is like.  It's far beyond sad.  

Friday, May 19, 2023


A bit nippy out this morning.  Sun's shining, the leaves on the birch tree appear to be dancing the twist.  Coffee cup is full.  Can't ask for more.

Boyfriend and his Venny buddy just left for one of their guy trolleys.  They both enjoy driving the pickup around, checking out the crop land and whatever else they happen upon.  They usually find an out-of-the-way tavern to eat a sandwich.  Those places offer the perfect atmosphere for down-home chin music. 

Venny's new wi-fi system is in full swing.  Each of our units now has their individual modem and password.  Was amazed at how fast the installation in our unit took place.  Tis such a small world....the guy who did the installing lives in the town we used to live in.  He remembered us, which I thought was nice.  At one point, we had three young guys here pleasantly working to get us hooked up and running.  

I'd planned to fix supper for the boyfriend while he's gone, but at the last minute I pleaded with him to stop at Kwik Star for their fried chicken.  It's not that I'm lazy, it's more that I'm good at creating alternative ways of consuming food.  

Have been hungry for a macaroni salad, the kind with hard-boiled eggs, celery, green onions, peas, maybe olives, Miracle Whip and cut-up Spam.  It was my intention yesterday to whip one up today, but that motivation is nowhere to be found.  My Type A can now be officially categorized as Type Z.  Funny part is that the latter is a much more enjoyable form of life.  Now, it drives me crazy watching and/or listening to people who are spinning their wheels and struggling to find a few extra minutes to do something that isn't on the calendar.  

Well, the wrong-sized rug arrived yesterday.  Tried contacting the company's support email address and received a response.  Their reply stated that the 30-day limit for returns had expired so there's nothing they can do.  HUH?  The frickin' thing was delivered yesterday and is unopened.  The brand is Ruggable.  There's a $25 fee for returning an item, which totally ticks me off.  If I don't get another response, I told the boyfriend I'll hang it on the wall if necessary.  This chick is just plain too principled to give them $25 and I end up with nada.  Can remember the day when a person could contact a company and speak to an actual human with a heart beat.  Those days are gone.  All we have now are addresses, some of which accept replies, others that don't.  Boo-hiss.

So, if you come visit us and see a round rug screwed to the ceiling, please ask no questions.  Just sit and admire the frickin' thing.

Thursday, May 18, 2023

 Photos taken through the patio screen door.

Smoke from the wildfires in Western Canada has us engulfed in a haze.  Last couple of days my eyes are dry, itchy and other times watery and they burn.  This smoke might be the cause.  

Today our wi-fi system is being replaced.  Wasn't sure if I could connect this morning or not.  Want to post this before the current network is shut down. 

Cuddy is back.  Daddy Dale sez he's gonna give him a bath today.  At the moment he's in his little bed sound asleep after his morning walk.  

 Yesterday the May Newsletter was delivered to each unit's door.  That means it's time for me to start thinking of a topic for June.  An idea is swimming inside my brain.  Will see where that goes.

Till the morrow, enjoy the birdies...........    

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

About five minutes ago the boyfriend called my attention to the fact that I ordered the wrong size rug for our bathroom.  The order was for a rug that matches the previously ordered one from Ruggable.  Chalk another f-up for me!  Checked to see if it's been shipped, only to find that it's on its way.  Drat.  Double drat.  I wrote an online note to the company asking if we can ship it right back unopened.  Will wait for a reply.  Man, I get so p'd off with myself when I do something so dumb.  The one good thing is I can blame it on my age.  We baby boomers are presumed to be lacking mental capacity, so we may as well feed into that notion.  

Am happy to report that the main bedroom is cleaned and organized to a T.  A few things are heading back down to storage.  Also ordered a new bedspread in an ash-gray.  Hoping I didn't screw that up, as well, but I think my plan will work.  Am either going to make a bed runner or else I'll drape the beautiful shawl that one of my Venny friends gave to me when I had my shoulder replaced.  She bought the shawl when she was in Israel.  There are some gifts that need to be showcased, and that is one.  The bedspread I ordered is 120x120, which should go from floor to floor without a ruffle.  Fingers crossed that will be the case.

Our adorable little fuzz bucket will be returning in about 45 minutes.  His daddy called to say that Cuddy has an ear infection that we'll need to treat.  Daddy will leave a check with us in case we feel Cuddy needs a haircut while he's away on a 2-week fishing trip to Canada.  To be sure, we'll care for Bubba just as though he were our very own.  Sharing custody is a beautiful thing, for those of us without a puppy in our lives anymore.  

The Venny lawn is a gorgeous green.  Recent rains have popped the trees with leaves, filling in winter's wooded gaps.  

Tomorrow Venny is replacing its entire wi-fi system.  Each unit will now have its  own setup and private password.  A fine improvement.  

Still no wrens.  Please leave a comment if you've had sightings or have heard their sweet songs near you.

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

The boyfriend's haircut waited till this morning.  Yesterday neither of us felt like turning the guest bathroom into a barber shop.  Either that, or we were overtaken by the Procrastination Prince who also lives with us.  

Boyfriend has a lab appointment at 10:30 and after that he will pick up his brand new hearing aids.  The new ones are cool, in that their batteries recharge instead of needing replacement.  When he gets a phone call, he can push a button on them and talk away.  Hearing aids are expensive, but totally worth the money.  One pair to the tune of $4,000+.  Mine are the older style and still serve me well.  

Our audiologist let him use a pair for a few weeks to see if he'd be satisfied.  It was an immediate and obvious assistance for him.  Growing old together, we share the same woes and totally understand the other's struggles.  It's called the buddy system.  We take so much for granted when we're young, never thinking our body will one day begin to wear out and require fixes and maintenance like an old car.  There will come a day when they'll take us to the junk yard, crush us into pieces and that'll be that.  Just like our wheels never graced this earth.  

Boy, that surely was an uplifting paragraph!  Better focus on pizazzy stuff that still gives us hope for future fun times with our friends.  There are those longtime friends who have the best of times when we get together.  All of us are filled with the same fears and apprehensions, worries and wonders, and that's what makes us friends.  We can relate to each other.  Growing old is uncharted ground for every person born into this world.  My personal goal is to work hard on my journey and attempt to make growing old less of a heartache for those a generation behind me.  I also don't want to be a burden for anyone.  Not having children of our own, we want to paddle our own canoe and hopefully croak before the canoe tips.  

There is one thing that makes the idea of dying not so scary.  All we have to do is turn on the national news about the political world, the massive immigration problem, and all the other political vomitus that spews its divisiveness into our homes and our minds.  That alone makes leaving this world something to look forward to.  Anyway, that's my spin.  

Pretty sunny day, rainbows on the walls.  While the boyfriend goes for his appointments, I'm staying back and donating my time to cleaning our main bedroom.  Wash the sheets and bed spread, just a general spiff up.  Think I've been saying I'm gonna do this for about a month now.  

Little birdies hop along the deck railing.  Watched a sparrow spat out there yesterday.  Can't help but wonder why, maybe it was one sparrow daring to be in another sparrow's space.  I hear that's a thing now in the people world, so why not with birds, too.

Monday, May 15, 2023

Have been sitting here admiring the photos sent to me by one of my great-nieces.  She is a beautiful gal, graduating high school, along with her newly announced boyfriend.  Haven't met him, but his photos tell me he's not only very handsome, but has a nice smile.  Smiles mean a lot to me, cuz I've always loved my hubby's smile.  Sometimes when I want to take a picture of him, he tends not to give me his best smile.  So, I keep at him, say something funny, till I capture the real smile that first melted my heart.  We're looking forward to meeting the young man at her graduation party.  

Sun's shining today.  The hanging plant is able to be at ease, after yesterday's rain and wind.  Will go out and remove all the dead heads to keep her looking her finest.  

When we rearranged our living area, we put the Christmas cactus in the bedroom.  It now sits on the cedar chest.  I've got two babies growing, as well.  It's fun starting new plants from the mother plant, even though I have no one to give them to.  If I keep starting, we'll be overtaken by cacti.  

We had a very nice mother's day.  The boyfriend ordered and picked up a Casey's Supreme Pizza for us as a special treat.  It would've been fun having Cuddy here as my little boy, but he'll be returning this Wednesday and staying for a couple of weeks.  The weather should be nice so the two of us can spend time out on the deck in the sun.  I think his daddy told us that Cuddy had a vet appointment, so hopefully he'll be all checked over when he comes to stay with us.  His one ear has a problem, but we care for it best we can.  His groomer gave us some special cleaner she uses, and it seems to help him.  

Am looking to replace our bedroom bedspread.  The one we have now is really nice, except I want one that will go way to the floor and eliminate a bottom ruffle.  I've found some that are King 120x120 and 120x128.  Will have the boyfriend help me measure the floor-to-floor width and then will decide on color.  The choices are limited when looking for these over-sized spreads.  With all the crazy designs I make, our decor is definitely eclectic.  Kinda like a gypsy lives here!!!!!!!!

I remember years ago when we girls hosted home decoration parties.  Never cared for them.  If I'd buy a picture or something, that same piece could be found in other homes.  Our tendency is to display our original creations.  Guess we're not rubber-stamp people!

The boyfriend has asked me for a hair cut this afternoon.  I told him I'd try to work him in my busy schedule.  

Sunday, May 14, 2023

The rain and wind are raising havoc with the flowers in the hanging basket.  At first I was going to set it on the deck, but decided to let it swing and sway so it gets stronger.  Sheltering makes everything weak and helpless.  

Last evening's potluck was very nice.  The crowd was smaller than usual due to the holiday where mothers are taken out to dinner in fancy restaurants.  There was the perfect assortment of hot dishes, salads and desserts and wine, of course.  We took scalloped corn.  We sent what was left home with another couple.  He loves scalloped corn, and ours reminded him of the way his mother used to make it.  

My readers have most likely noticed the way I use metaphors in my writing.  That's the business of using something symbolic of something else.  Like today's rain.  To me, the rain represents the uncountable tears shed by mothers during their lifetime.  Some may see rain on Mother's Day as a bad thing, but not me.  I think it's very symbolic of the sadness and heartache every mother suffers.  My prayer is that the joyful times outweigh the tearful ones.

My mother was not one to cry.  I can't ever remember seeing her shed a tear.  My thought is that she did it when she was alone.  She would talk to me about her not crying, but I never believed that was the whole story.  When she had me, she produced a cry baby.  While I was growing up, mom would tell me I'm just like my paternal grandmother.  She would be laughing one minute and crying the next.  To this day, tears fall easily for me, but that's good.  I think tears wash out the sorrows that lay in the cracks of our hearts.  Hearts never mend, they just keep on beating.

Saturday, May 13, 2023

 Ooooh, such a beautiful brisk breeze brings this morning's cool air into our home.  Yesterday's blessed rainfall has greened up the lawn, the trees and shrubs, and the baskets of hanging flowered plants outside on patios and porches.  

Venny is having a pot-luck supper at 5 this evening.  Now that the hospital has lifted its Covid restrictions, we, too, are resuming life as it was before the pandemic.  We've been extra cautious, have had our vaccinations, and now it's time to get back with our friends for these potlucks.  The boyfriend offered to make a casserole dish of scalloped corn as our contribution to the meal.  We're like little kids......I made a call yesterday asking another couple to save us seats if they get there before us.  Somehow that sounds like something a teenager would do, but what the heck.  

Yesterday I got my head involved with YT recyclers in New Jersey's rich coastal towns.  A young couple drives around these wealthy neighborhoods, where the people put like-new furniture on the curbside for free-taking.  These multi-million-dollar homes are seasonal homes, and their owners like to change their furnishings annually.  On one of these "finds," the young couple picked up a signed painting worth $400.  Guess when people have too much money, nothing really means anything to them.  

Later in the day, I watched dumpster divers, who go around looking into the green dumpsters back of stores and around warehouses.  It about made me upchuck when I watched them take like-new packaged snacks and cookies and canned items out of contaminated dumpsters and then donate them to food pantries.  They say they "clean" it before donating, but.....  

The sky is overcast.  The cool temperature must be keeping everyone indoors, cuz there's no one walking by.  The minute the warm days arrive, there's a steady stream of walkers of dogs and joggers out soaking up the sun.  Watching the young people power walk and run makes every joint in my body ache.  Guess it's that business of the circle of life.  Some are just starting their trek, others are nearing the finish line.  Every breath is a gift, from beginning to end.  Once in a while there's benefit in taking a really deep breath, holding it, and slowly exhaling.  That's a way to truly appreciate fresh air and life itself.

Friday, May 12, 2023


Hummingbirds and Orioles are back visiting our grape jelly feeder and hummingbird feeder.  Still no sign of a wren.  Yesterday I sat and watched a sparrow holding a long twig in its beak and couldn't help but wonder what that little creature was thinking.  I myself was wondering how on earth it would manage to lug that twig up to wherever it was making its nest. 

I thank Robin once again for sharing their spring flowers.  I like the way the wooden fence frames the flower garden.   


In my research about tulips, I came across something that through me for a spin.  We baby boomers aren't always up to speed on the latest in the social media venue, so I was taken aback by the meaning of the tulip emoji.....
It represents female private parts.   Makes me wonder if I've ever sent that emoji to anyone in any of my messages.  Holy migod if I did!

Tis a rainy day where we live.  The boyfriend left for a Venny council meeting.  They're electing officers at this meeting plus tending to a few other agenda items.  I paid a couple of bills online, which took about five minutes tops.  Man, I remember the day I wrote checks, balanced a checkbook, bought stamps and envelopes, needed to get them to the post office.  My balancing of checkbooks in those days was a monumental task.  I remember spending two hours to find a dime difference.  I might've been categorized as OCD in that regard.  After retirement and starting online banking, I tossed those tendencies to the wind and now do it the easy way.  There are places now that don't take personal checks nor cash.  It's a new world, and it's important we stay in the know as much as possible.  

Has anyone seen a wren this spring?

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Shadows on the deck and then they disappear.  Ah, the magic of the sun!

Has anyone read the book "Spare" written by the King's youngest son?  After watching the coronation ceremony, I'm more curious than ever about what he wrote about his family.  There's a principle involved here......don't want to buy a new book so as to give him a penny profit.  Rather, am scouring the internet looking for a real deal on a preowned book.  There are some for sale on eBay, but not at a price I'm willing to pay.  Curiosity propels us to wiggle ourselves into the pages of books that hold both good, bad and even ugly.  

Came across a phrase that was written about our new Queen C.  It read, "She has done the hard yards."  

Yes, I like that phrase, cuz it pretty much sums up how I feel about myself and my boyfriend.  So far as life goes, we've run the race of the hard yards, and now it's time for us to be inch worms and lollygag our way to the checkered flag.  We've done the bit, paid our dues to society.  It's difficult to watch the era of entitlement that has replaced our hard work ethics.  What a beautiful world we could have if every person would accept a responsibility for sharing the bounty.  

Yesterday I wrote about flowers, about how we didn't buy a hanging plant at the Amish Nursery.  Well, this morning there is a basket of pretty red and white petunias hanging right above the bird house.  While the boyfriend was running errands, he decided to bring one home.  I'm pretty sure it's a Momma's Day present from Cuddy.  I shall take very good care of Anna (a spin-off of my name) and serve her onion tea to boost her immune system.  Dead-heading is now my daily job to keep the basket filled with lotsa blossoms.  

Just finished our lunch, which we ate out on the deck.  The temperature is ideal.  The new season is refreshing, and it it's wonderful to feel the warmth of the sun's rays.  Some claim that we lack certain vitamins during the winter months when we're not out in the sun.  I believe that. 

Have gotten myself embroiled in another criminal investigation that has me wondering what's gonna be the outcome.  Who's involved with the one who murdered his parents, dismembered them, and deposited the remains in several places.  It's more the interrogation tactics used in the questioning that interest me.  I SHOULD be doing something else, but just don't feel like it.  My inch worm attitude has a good grip on me right now.  Ya gotta love it!

Monday, May 8, 2023

Was looking through recent photos taken with my iPhone and came across a couple that provide today's topic. 

The first photo is of my boyfriend and precious Cuddy.  He loves it when Dale holds him like that.  Words aren't necessary to describe the picture.....

One day last week my boys were out for a Cuddy walk, and the next picture shows the flower they picked for me.....

Dale knows how I love wildflowers.  To me, a loving hand-picked dandelion means more than a dozen red roses delivered by a florist.  Over the years, I've been gifted with tiny bouquets of violets and bluebells.  Some were so tiny that I used a shot glass for a vase.  

Oh, I love all flowers and their unique fragrances.  The most fragrant flower in my world was my Gramma Emma's rose bush.  I can remember as a little girl standing by the big bush and putting my nose next to a rose and inhaling its sweet smell.  Another special flower is the Lily of the Valley, it's petite and elegant.  Every flower is special, and every flower is beautiful in its own way.  But, my heart leans toward those that grow in the woods where few people trod.  Maybe it's their humility that makes me love them.  It's a little girl thing.

Sunday, May 7, 2023

Anyone besides me take in the Coronation ceremony?  I'm one who finds the royal monarchy to be a fascinating part of human history.  Watching thousands of people gather in the streets of London in support of King Charles III was reassuring that perhaps there is still some togetherness in our chaotic world.  

Like all families, the Royal family has its share of internal problems.  It doesn't matter which side of the fence we onlookers are on.  It's simply a good reminder for all of us that we are not alone in the quirks within our own ancestral clans.  Five-year-old Prince Louis continues to be the firecracker in William's family.  That element of impish behavior also reassures us that childhood innocence is a beautiful thing.  Soon that will be taken away from him, so it's nice to see him be his own person.

Yesterday we went on a trolley to an Amish Greenhouse.  The boyfriend purchased Celebrity Tomato plants.  The greenhouse was overflowing with beautiful flowering baskets of flowers.  I so wanted to buy one, but didn't.  Am thinking how I can make something for the deck that I can make myself with supplies that I already have.  Am on this crusade to use up rather than bring in more.  

With me, it's not a matter of not having enough space.  Rather, it's a matter of having too much stuff.  That was the whole purpose of our downsizing.  The more space a person has, the more work one has.  Both of us are beyond the point of introducing more things that require our attention/work.  

Our hummingbird feeder is already serving free sustenance to the tiny feathered ones.  A sparrow had grape jelly for breakfast.  No Orioles have visited as of yet.  Please please please let there be a wren that finds our bird house suitable to raise its family.  

It's another overcast day.  T-bone steaks are thawing.  The boyfriend will be grilling them for tonight's supper.  We ate Chinese yesterday with a group of friends.  Think I've had enough Chinese to last me a while.  I'm so happy that I can comfortably eat with chopsticks.  I was asked why I ate with them rather than using a fork.  Guess I'm one who likes to learn the ways of other cultures and incorporate them into my life.  

It's again time to write my newsletter article.  That's how I shall spend the afternoon.  A topic was suggested to me about a week ago, so I think I'll follow up with the good suggestion.  I know it would mean a lot to me if one of my suggestions was honored by someone else.  Small common courtesies are necessary and much needed these days.  

Friday, May 5, 2023

Yesterday's trolley took us to the Mighty Mississippi where its levels are still high.  Debris shows the water levels at their highest.  So much muscle is needed to prepare for flooding, and even more muscle is needed to bring things back to normal or better.  Crews were repairing the railroad tracks along the river, hauling in and placing white stone between and outside the tracks.  

Weather was perfect.  Springtime's most alluring flowering trees were blossoming in shades of pink and others in white.  Flower gardens were colored with tulips and daffodils.  Stores were selling hanging plants to bedeck our porches and patios.  Farmers, with their monster machinery, were in the fields preparing for spring planting of their crops.   

The tastiest feature of my day was my lunch salad, which consisted of curly lettuce, crumbles of bleu cheese, walnuts, dried cranberries, cucumber slices, cherry tomatoes, apples, chicken and a raspberry vinaigrette dressing.  I'm among the minority in my liking bleu cheese, but it was that one ingredient that pushed the taste over the mark.  The restaurant has its own bakery, so we brought home a freshly baked loaf of apple and cinnamon bread.  

Today is cloudy, with a chance of rain.  A sweet day for reading or planting one's mind in something that will separate the mind from whatever is perplexing, annoying or downright driving a person crazy.  I liken it to getting a mosquito on the outside of the screen door.  

Thursday, May 4, 2023

It's been a draining few months in my personal world.  Sometimes we simply need to allow ourselves to think and then digest those thoughts for the best personal outcome.  

Little Cuddy has gone home.  His parents picked him up Monday late afternoon and then stayed for sips and supper.  Dale had put a kettle of chili on the stove to simmer, so it was perfect.  Cuddy will be back in a couple of weeks for a 2-week stay and then another stay shortly thereafter.  

Today the boyfriend has a lab appointment at 10 and after that we're leaving town for a trolley.  One of his spoon ring vendors needs replenishing, and that gives us the perfect purpose for a day trip.  The sun is shining, and I have a few things to pick up at probably Aldi's.  

Spent all day yesterday glued to the trial of a couple who were found guilty of their 2-week old baby girl's death.  My interest isn't only about the actual witnesses and testimony, but a great deal about the way the lawyers present their side of the case.  Some are extremely competent, others not so much.  

This post will be brief.  Hopefully I'll get back on track so my writing will be kept on a daily schedule.  Ta-ta.