Our morning started with the usual Cuddy business, first cuppa, checking for breaking news, and then it's outta the gate.
Clicked on eBay and searched the book section for bargains on Life itself. First thing to pop up was one written by a Navy Seal entitled Resilience. With two minutes left to bid, I tossed in a $2 bid ($4 shipping) and won!
Resilience is a power-house word. It's the ability to bounce back, to adapt to a situation or hard challenge. Acquired wisdom helps us manage our way through those irritating prickly thickets of life.
Have another book on order, 365 Days of Tao inspirational readings. Taoism (dau-izm) is a system of belief, attitudes and practices set toward the service and living to a person's nature. The path of understanding Taoism is simply accepting oneself. This leads to inner peace.
Waiting for books to arrive in the mail adds anticipation to my days. I'm learning that the last inches of life's ruler require the most from us. It's kinda like going on a trip and having a suitcase packed with necessities along the way. If we don't prepare, the path will be more difficult to follow. Free-thinkers, like myself, have to be engulfed in heavy thought, always trying to figure out the absolute impossible. Oh, I know it's like banging one's head against a blackboard thinking that'll teach the time-tables, but it's a hunger that lives within me, and I've gotta feed it with as much wisdom as I can lay my hands on.
The prisms in the windows have rainbows and polka dots dancing on our walls. One thing that is always within our reach is making the most of the simple things in life. Using Hemmingway's words, life is a movable feast!