Saturday, January 7, 2023

An email awaited this morning from the NY publisher of blogs advising that my order didn't process, but the payment did.  Had to re-enter all information, add the coupon code plus another code that would fix the payment problem.  Talk about a circus.  After three tries, got it accomplished.  

Have had my nose in old photos.  Sorting into give-aways and keepers containers.  Will have to go through the keepers again at a later date to eliminate even more.  For now the goal is to pass on the pictures that need to be passed on to the generation after me.    

Tomorrow we're having the G-clan Christmas.  I'm in charge of the gift exchange.  I have some silliness planned for them.  They're going to have to endure one more year of their aunt's insanity.  Not really sure what's more fun in life than planning a party.  Our hostess is serving brunch, so we'll need to leave home by 8:30.  Cuddy is going to his Venny sitters.  Our contribution to the party is a veggie pizza, so we will need to make the crust tonight, cut up the veggies, make the cream cheese spread so all we need to do in the morning is put the pizza together.  Our silly gift exchange is $5 something edible starting with the second letter of the middle name.  Dale's a D and I'm an H.....Edward and Therese.

Think I'll take a break now and watch some YT videos.   My brain is flying like a bat at night with memories of the photos of the past.  One thing for sure, we have lived a full life, had tons of fun along the way, and are still squeezing the orange.  Want to get every last drop of juice out of this thing called life.

P.S.  If my readers have had a problem leaving comments, I think I've fixed the problem.  Went to settings and changed one.  Thanks, Alice, for calling this to my attention.