Monday, January 23, 2023


Sun is shining, 12 degrees above, and a layer of feathery hoar frost has the trees glittering.  Perfect example of our world being a movable art gallery.

Our weekend was calm and quiet.  The book I've been talking about was highly disappointing.  Books are sacred to me, but this one is going to the book crematorium.  

Venny's wi-fi network is being upgraded, so we were without internet from Friday night at 9 until yesterday about 6 o'clock in the evening.  We were like two lost puppies without the internet, and were thinking we might need counseling to cope.  Every day I play certain word games, write my blog, and am subscribed to and follow YT live streams from Korea, Japan and Nepal.  After watching them for awhile, total strangers take on the feel of far-away friends.  It's a pleasure to write comments and wait for their response.  

Two of my Venny friends left a surprise by our door on Saturday.  They had been to a thrift store and bought me a plastic bag filled with beads.  Today I'll wash and rinse them in Dawn dish soap and then let them soak in soapy water overnight.  All my creative endeavors are made out of used materials, but everything is sanitized and cleaned.  That's a must in my rule book.

In the event my cousin in California is reading this for the first time, welcome aboard.  I'd be very happy to have you among my faithful readers.

A bit of trivia for us baby boomers:  Fifty years ago this date, in the year 1973, US President Richard Nixon announced an accord had been reached to end the Vietnam War.