Wednesday, January 4, 2023

DAY 4 of 2023

A crazy night.  Cuddy is getting in the habit of needing a drink during the night and then not wanting to go back to our bed, but instead to his bed in the living area.  That means I graduate to the 2-recliner couch, which is a nightmare for sleeping lengthwise.  It's the perfect recipe for morning pain.  But, for Cuddy, I do everything.  His ear is still having a discharge, and that might have something to do with his being a bit off kilter.

Woke up about 8:30, but then fell into the deepest sleep.  Guess what time I woke up?  12:30.  Dale let me sleep, cuz I've had distressing stuff on my mind and he was happy to see me sleeping soundly.  Half the day is already gone, and I just got up.

The balcony has a light layer of snow....pretty.  Yesterday was a dreary, rainy day.  Watched movies and a series I found about the guys who work for bail bondsmen and go out and find fugitives who have warrants out for not appearing in court.  OMG, what a learning experience that's turning out to be.  We think we live in a whacked up world, and then we see just how whacked up it is.  These guys find fugitives hiding with their bodies folded up inside vents and even kitchen cupboards.  The bad guys fight furiously so as not to get taken to jail.  Sometimes it takes four or five big guys to restrain the fugitive.  

Today I'm starting a big project.  Am going through all my family photos.  Will write on each one so later generations' benefit.  Don't know if there will ever be anyone interested in the photos, but I shall do my part in identification.  Sad to see pictures in thrift stores that are complete unknowns to the world.  It's no different than looking at a jar of Gramma's buttons.  Every button is simply a button, and in old pictures every person is no different than a button.   

I won the 99 cent bid on the book on eBay, One Hundred Years of Solitude.  No one else bid.  Shipping from Pennsylvania is $5, but that's still a frugal purchase.  Can't wait for the book to be delivered so I can dive in and see why it has earned the rave reviews.    


  1. I have a ton of family photos. Starting putting in shoe boxes for each child, but a shoe box isn't big enough.I love photos and take a ton. My phone is full and I had to delete duplicates and triplicates. I take many of the same things. Always looking for that perfect one. I have a few real old photos and don't know who is who. Mom was pretty good about writing on most of them. She missed a few.

  2. Yesterday and today I've been sorting pictures. Looking at them is like re-living one's life. Sure makes a person appreciate the cell phone camera and storing in albums. I have to go through those, as well, cuz for some reason there are lots of duplicates. Just want to say good-bye to those that need to be passed on.

    I'm so happy you called my attention to the problem leaving a comment.
