Sunday, January 29, 2023


Yesterday was snowy-blowy, today is calmy-coldy.  The boyfriend awaits football games later today, while I'm thinking maybe I should stop procrastinating and get my crochet hooks out.  Those comfort crosses are not going to make themselves, and so far as I can tell, Santa's elves are not here to crochet them for me.  It's this business of late-life laziness, over-enjoying my seat in the audience!

Had one of my nighttime epiphanies, as I call 'em.  The words to John Lennon's song, Imagine, are floating through my brain like wisps of dandelions on a windy day.  What on earth would bring those lyrics to my mind during the middle of the night.  Must be a reason.

If I take the song and break it into segments, the messages are beyond powerful, filled with intense meaning for all of us...........

Song:  Imagine there's no heaven, it's easy if you try.  No hell below us, Above us only sky.  Imagine all the people living for today.

My Thoughts:  The older I get, the more I ponder this business of heaven and hell.  Cannot help wondering if man himself created them as a way to make human beings behave themselves.  As a little girl, the nuns and priests told us we would burn in hell if we died with a mortal sin on our souls.  If we died with venial sins, we'd have to lay-over in Purgatory till they were purged.  That was some pretty heavy stuff to be teaching us starting at the age of 5.  Now, when I'm old as dirt, and understand what scientists have learned about the Universe, and Earth's insignificance within it, heaven and hell are definitely questionable.  I could never figure out why a priest would pray over a dead person, "May he/she rest in peace."  If we go to heaven or hell, how does one rest in peace?

Song:  Imagine there's no countries, It isn't hard to do.  Nothing to kill or die for, And no religion, too.  Imagine all the people, Living life in peace.

My Thoughts:  The countries of the world have been fighting over religion since religion began.  What if we were all one global family?  It's a wonderful thought.  What if the United States was one?  One well-enforced law for the land.  It's difficult to wrap one's mind around the present world ever living in harmony.  Maybe the powers that be, those who quietly and invisibly control this world, want the discord among us and design ways to perpetuate the evil among us.  

Song:  You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one.  I hope someday you'll join us, And the world will be as one.

My Thoughts:  Guess I'm a dreamer.   Our world is now frighteningly divided, to the point where ordinary people find the need to pack a gun.  This business of mass shootings on the news every day is getting worse.  Fighting and arguing and de-friending and all unimaginable nastiness is gaining momentum, according to my perspective.  Such a beautiful world inhabited by utter ugliness.  

Song:  Imagine no possessions, I wonder if you can.  No need for greed or hunger, A brotherhood of man.  Imagine all the people, Sharing all the world.

My thoughts:  Guess I can be among the dreamers, as John Lennon sang.  I hope someday all the world will live as one.  

John Lennon Memorial
(Central Park, NYC)