While I was away from posting for a bit, a new Canon printer was delivered to our unit. My beloved HP Envy 4520 suddenly stopped working. My research led me to believe that some printers are no longer compatible with Chromebooks, so that's why I ordered a new one that supposedly was. Well, we unpacked and set up the new one, and it just did not suit my expectations. First of all, the small menu screen was so small that I was unable to read it without my nose touching. Secondly, the paper came out and there was no paper tray. The paper simply fell on the floor as it came out. SO, after a couple days of contemplation, I decided Canon was going back to Amazon. I did the necessary entry of information to get labels from UPS. The printer was shipped in one package and the inkjet cartridges in another.
UPS left only one label at the front desk and didn't bother coming to our unit to pick up the printer and cartridges. My next move was to find a phone number for Amazon. We all know what those phone conversations can be like if, in fact, there's an actual person on the other end.
My phone connected with another phone, and a virtual person spoke to me. When that wasn't working, an actual person from one of the Asian countries spoke to me. This is where it gets interesting. It was hard to understand him, but when I asked him to please speak slower, he thanked me for understanding. He spoke slower. When I explained the problem, he told me several times not to worry. I'm here to say that this person straightened out the whole mess for me. The next day a UPS guy knocked on our unit door, he attached two labels to two packages, and went on his way. SO, I'm here to say that the Asian person named Dennis was by far the most helpful, kindest and most efficient telephone assistant I've ever communicated with. He showed, and reassured, me that kindness is the universal fix-all in this world. Yup, he cared and he shared.
That left me printer-less. My persistent, and sometimes annoying, brain started churning thoughts about why my beloved HP Envy 4520 printer had stopped working. I asked the boyfriend to bring it back out. After about four hours of trying this and that and the other thing, I was successful in connecting Chromebook to Envy Printer and it worked like a charm. We were so close to throwing the printer away, but thanks to my persistent, and sometimes annoying, brain, I refused to believe the printer was at fault. The one piece of this puzzle was that Dale wasn't able to print his daily sudoku puzzle from his phone. That's what alerted me that it wasn't the Chromebook connection at fault. Long story short, I'm back to using the beloved Envy 4520.
Let's clink our coffee cups to a year of blessings and the ability to realize and recognize the tiny blessings that sprinkle down on us every day. Let's share and care while we're still speeding along on life's Autobahn.